I have this variable defined:
string string2remove ="slimshady";
I have a string filePath
that has the value myNameIsslimshady
gives me mynameis
However, when filePath has the value myNameIsSlimShady
gives me myNameIsSlimShady
Apparently replace cares about capitalisation. No problem! I will make filePath all lowercase using ToLower()
Now I get mynameisslimshady
. All in lower but slimshady still has not left the building.
How do I get the replace to ignore capitalisation?
Full code below
foreach (string filePath in myFiles)
bool fHasSpace = filePath.Contains(" ");
if (fHasSpace) {} else {
<FlatFileFormat Name="FlatFileFormat_<#=Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath.ToLower().Replace(string2remove,""))#>" RowDelimiter="<#=delimiter#>" ColumnNamesInFirstDataRow="true" IsUnicode="false">
StreamReader myFile = new StreamReader(filePath);
myColumns = myFile.ReadLine().Replace(separator,"").Split(delimiter);
// to determine the column delimiter
int columnCount = 0;
string columnDelimiter = "";
foreach(string myColumn in myColumns)
string str_delimiter = delimiter.ToString();
bool finalColumn = columnCount == myColumns.Length;
if (finalColumn)
columnDelimiter = "CRLF";
{ columnDelimiter = str_delimiter;
<Column Name="<#=myColumn#>" DataType = "<#=imp_datatype#>" Length="<#=imp_length#>" Delimiter="<#=columnDelimiter#>"></Column>
<# } #>
I ended up using
fileName=Regex.Replace(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath), string2remove,"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);