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Dynamically load Angular component with dependencies

I've been looking for a clean way (without using private API) solution to a widget style dashboard. I want to dynamically load components onto it based on user role.

Is there a way to import a component and dependencies that are included in components' module dynamically and is such solution production ready?

Stackblitz reproduction:

Any help towards a clean solution is welcome.

Edit: I have tried resolving components using ViewContainerRef, while the solution works (component is rendered), it just gets appended to the view, and I want to be able to get the reference of the component with resolved dependencies and pass it into a *ngComponentOutlet so I can use gridster to move and resize component.


  • I've managed to solve it! The missing link was the ngModuleFactory part:

        *ngComponentOutlet="widget.component; ngModuleFactory: widget.module"

    And in widget.service.ts I've resolved the module:

       const { TasksWidgetModule } = await import('../tasks-widget/tasks-widget.module');
       module = await this.compiler.compileModuleAsync(TasksWidgetModule);