Search code examples

Combine multiple strategies to generate a unique column?

I have an employee table with last_name and first_name columns. I want to generate a column called employee_code which will contain always 3 characters and will be unique. If it does not already exists, the code will be the first letter of first_name followed by two first letters of last name.

SELECT 'LUDOVIC' AS first_name, 'AUBERT' AS last_name, 'LAU' AS employee_code;

But if 'LAU' is already present, I want to use an alternate strategy, such as using the two first letters of first name followed by first letter of last name.

SELECT 'LUDOVIC' AS first_name, 'AUBERT' AS last_name, 'LUA' AS employee_code;

How can you achieve this in SQL?


    CREATE TABLE employe (
    id int primary key,
    first_name varchar(30),
    last_name varchar(30),
    code1 char(3),
    nb1 int NULL,
    code2 char(3),
    code char(3) NULL
    insert into employe (id, first_name, last_name, code1, code2)
    SELECT * FROM employe;
    WITH cte AS (
        SELECT id, first_name, last_name, code1, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY code1 ORDER BY id ASC) as n1, code2
        FROM employe
    SELECT *, CASE WHEN n1=1 THEN code1 ELSE code2 END AS code FROM cte;

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