I would like to know how to distinguish between clicking the displayed item and clicking one of the items in the drop-down list of the ComboBox.
... distinguish between clicking the displayed item and clicking one of the items in the drop-down list
I assume that you want to know if the operator re-selects the last selected items (which is the displayed item), or selects a new item (which is in the drop-down list.
You need a property to access the item that the operator selected:
private MyType SelectedItem => (MyType)this.comboBox1.SelectedValue;
private MyType LastProcessedSelectedItem {get; set;} = null;
private void OnOperatorSelectedItem(MyType selectedItem)
if (this.LastProcessedSelectedItem != selectedItem)
this.LastProcessedSelectedItem = selectedItem;
private void OnComboBox1_Clicked(object sender, ...)
MyType selectedItem = this.SelectedItem;