I have 2 tables with 1:(0 or 1) relations for example:
table1 - students
id | last_name | first_name |
1 | Hart | John |
table2 - student_address
id | student_id | address | is_married |
1 | 1 | something | true |
not every student has an address (for the example)
I want to update both tables, update students and if exist relative row in student_address - update also the student_address. is it possible to do it in one query in JOOQ?
In MySQL, you can update multiple tables in a single statement using JOIN
create table a (i int primary key, j int);
create table b (i int references a, k int);
insert into a values (1, 1);
insert into b values (1, 1);
update a join b using (i) set j = 2, k = 2;
select * from a join b using (i);
Resulting in
|i |j |k |
|1 |2 |2 |
There's nothing special about that from a jOOQ perspective. Just translate it directly to jOOQ:
.set(A.J, 2)
.set(B.K, 2)