I'm new in python and telegram bot developing, I'm trying to add emoji to bottom menu of the telegram bot, but I don't know how. Buttons in chat have already emoji, but bottom bot menu haven't. Thank you.
Example of code:
menu1 = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup([
[InlineKeyboardButton(text='📇 Інформація', callback_data='info')],
[InlineKeyboardButton(text='📉 Заборгованість', callback_data='arrears')],
[InlineKeyboardButton(text='💻 Кабінет', callback_data='cabinet')],
[InlineKeyboardButton(text='🌐 Веб-сайт', url='')]])
Example of menu, that I've done:
you can add emoji in the same place where you add text
telegram.KeyboardButton(text="Hello 👋🏻")