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My question is how do I get the same result from mcrypt as I would get from crypt, with respect to blowfish?

I am wanting to use the phpass framework for password hashing and verifying. Which works really well as long has you have PHP 5.3 because blowfish is included with crypt(). My host is running PHP 5.2.x with the mcrypt library.

Going through the docs and googling about blowfish with crypt, it appears that the result is '$a2$', the two character iteration value, '$', the salt ( padded or cut to 22 characters ), then a 32 base64 string representing the hash.

My problem is I can't find explanations of the MCRYPT_MODE_modenames that make sense to me. And how do I feed mcrypt() the number of iterations I want? Or are the two functions using different forms of blowfish that dont cross translate?


  • Mcrypt, and crypt() are two totally different functions. Mcrypt is two-way encryption, whereas crypt is one-way encryption. As far as I am aware crypt() is inside of php 5.2. Also, if I was you I'd just reference crypt() itself. And I'd also use bcrypt from it.


    Finally, just change the two digit cost factor inside of the two digits after the $2a$. That will allow you to change the amount of cputime that is going to be required for it. Remember it goes up logarithmically(if i remember correctly). The default value is 07.

    Finally crypt_blowfish is the two-way encryption algorithm of blowfish that takes keys up to 448 bits. The blowfish inside of crypt is bcrypt, is based upon blowfish but was designed for storing passwords as it hashes them. This is known as one-way encryption.