I have a form that displays a number of toggle switches.
The amount of switches is dynamic based on the "permissions" in a table. how do I bind these so that when they are clicked, the data is posted back to livewire? The 'Non-dynamic' answer I have found is x-data="{isChecked: @entangle('foo')}" but this obviously doesn't work if I have an unknown number of items and not a single 'foo'.
I have tried a method wire:click="update({{ $value->id }})" but this only passes back to livewire the id of the element that has been clicked, not it's state (on or off).
@foreach($permissions as $key => $value)
<span>{{ $value->name }}</span>
<span>{{ $value->description }}</span>
<button type="button"
x-data="{isChecked: {{ $value->allowed ? 1 : 0 }}}"
@click="isChecked = !isChecked"
{# wire:click? doesn't send state #}
:class="{'bg-liteblue': isChecked, 'bg-gray-200': !isChecked }"
<span class="sr-only">Use setting</span>
<span aria-hidden="true"
:class="{'translate-x-5': isChecked, 'translate-x-0': !isChecked }"
class="translate-x-5 transition ease-in-out duration-200"></span>
I would like each toggle to update the database as its clicked (not in one final submit). How do I pass the state back to the livewire controller?
I solved the issue with a child component called 'permission-toggle', that way each toggle could be responsible for holding it's state rather than an array, and then instantiated it inside the parent component with
@foreach($permissions as $permission)
<livewire:permission-toggle :group="$selectedGroup" :permission="$permission" :key="$selectedGroup.'.'.$permission->slug">
The parent "permission-form" component is responsible for getting all the permissions from the database, (so there's only one big call on load) and then each individual "permission-toggle" component is responsible for updating itself. (individual database calls) The livewire controller for permission toggle is as below
class PermissionToggle extends Component
public bool $checked;
public string $name;
public string $description;
public string $slug;
public string $group;
public function mount($permission)
$this->checked = $permission->allowed;
$this->name = $permission->name;
$this->description = $permission->description;
$this->slug = $permission->slug;
public function updating($a, bool $checked)
$group = Group::where('slug', $this->group)->first();
if($checked === true)
public function render()
return view('livewire.permission-toggle');