I have a small example for my problem:
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
def test_1(q,j):
for i in range(10):
q.put('test_{}: '.format(j) + str(i),block=False)
q = Queue()
p1 = Process(target=test_1, args=(q,1))
p2 = Process(target=test_1, args=(q,2))
with open('test1.txt', 'w') as file:
while p1.is_alive() or p2.is_alive() or not q.empty():
value = q.get(timeout = 1)
file.write(value + '\n')
except Exception as qe:
print("Empty Queue or dead process")
Then my output is like:
test_1: 0
test_1: 1
test_1: 2
test_1: 3
test_1: 4
test_1: 5
test_1: 6
test_1: 7
test_1: 8
test_1: 9
test_2: 0
test_2: 1
test_2: 2
test_2: 3
test_2: 4
test_2: 5
test_2: 6
test_2: 7
test_2: 8
test_2: 9
How can I get an output like:
test_1: 0
test_2: 0
test_1: 1
test_2: 1
test_1: 2
test_2: 2
and so on.
Would be cool if somebody could help me with that.
For your interest, I would like to use that later to match input- and output-vectors as training data for a machine learning approach.
Thanks in advance,
In general when I want to use multithreading with python I use ``ThreadPool``` I'm not sure that's really what you want but you can easly get your result using this function as written here:
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from psutil import cpu_count
def test_1(thread):
for i in range(10):
string = ('test_{}: '.format(thread) + str(i))
pool = ThreadPool(processes=cpu_count(logical=True))
lines_async = pool.apply_async(test_1, args=([1]))
lines_async2 = pool.apply_async(test_1, args=([2]))
the result is here :
test_1: 0
test_2: 0
test_1: 1
test_2: 1
test_1: 2
test_2: 2
test_1: 3
test_2: 3
test_1: 4
test_2: 4
test_1: 5
test_2: 5
test_1: 6
test_2: 6
test_1: 7
test_2: 7
test_2: 8
test_1: 8
test_2: 9
test_1: 9
but it's a different approach than the one you carried out
EDIT: if you want to get the value of the function you can use it :
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from psutil import cpu_count
pool = ThreadPool(processes=cpu_count(logical=True))
def test_1(thread, i):
string = ('test_{}: '.format(thread) + str(i))
return string
for i in range(10):
lines_async = pool.apply_async(test_1, args=([1,i]))
lines_async2 = pool.apply_async(test_1, args=([2,i]))
string1 = lines_async.get()
string2 = lines_async2.get()
which is more similar than what you want and gives the same result.