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Delete element with specified key and value from std::multimap

Suppose I know that a given std::multimap has exactly one element with a given key and value, and I want to delete this element.

I could explicitly write a std::multimap::find to find some element with that key, then walk backwards until I reach the first element with a different key, walk forward until I find the element I want, and delete it.

Question: Is there anything in <algorithm> or elsewhere that will do this for me? Or do I have to write my own method?

EDIT: This is not the same question as STL Multimap Remove/Erase Values, which is about removing all elements with a given value.


  • There is no built in way to do anything involving searching by key and value but as NathanOliver says in comments, you can write a helper function on top of multimap::equal_range, e.g.

    #include <map>
    #include <iostream>
    template<typename K, typename V>
    typename std::multimap<K, V>::const_iterator find_item_by_key_and_value(const std::multimap<K, V>& mm, K k, V v) {
        auto range = mm.equal_range(k);
        return std::find_if(range.first, range.second, [v](const auto& p) {return p.second == v; });
    template<typename K, typename V>
    void erase_item_by_key_and_value( std::multimap<K, V>& mm, K k, V v) {
        auto iter = find_item_by_key_and_value(mm, k, v);
        if (iter != mm.end())
    int main()
        std::multimap<int, int> mm = { 
           {1,2}, {2,42}, {2,54}, {2, 37}, {42,42} 
        erase_item_by_key_and_value(mm, 2, 37);
        for (const auto& [k, v] : mm) {
            std::cout << "{" << k << " , " << v << "}\n";