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Scheduling a build using Kubernetes

The doc provides details of creating a cron job.

To start a scheduled task that executes a build every 10 mins I use the command:

oc run run-build 161/my-app --image=myimage --restart=OnFailure --schedule='*/10 * * * *' 

Which returns:

cronjob.batch/run-build created

But the job fails to start:

The log of pod displays:

Error: unknown command "161/my-app" for "openshift-deploy"
Run 'openshift-deploy --help' for usage.

Have I configured the command ( oc run run-build 161/my-app --image=myimage --restart=OnFailure --schedule='*/10 * * * *' ) to start the cron job incorrectly ?


  • You are trying to override the image CMD/ARG with the 161/my-app command (which seems not to be valid).

    You should use:

    oc run run-build --image=myimage --schedule='*/10 * * * *' \
    --restart=OnFailure \
    --command -- <YOUR COMMAND HERE>

    Where run-build is the name of your created cronjob.

    If you want to use the default CMD/ARG built in the container image, just omit the --command flag and its value.