If I have a string that I want to split where the commas are, how can I exclude any substring surrounded by quotes?
Input: 'a,b,3,"d,e",f,"e,xam,p,le,"]
Output: ['a', 'b', '3', 'd,e', 'f', 'e,xam,p,le,']
using .split(',') doesn't work because it doesn't exclude items in the quotes, and I'm not sure how I would use re.split() since there can be anything inside of the quotes. There is no set length of the substring or location where a comma could be. I'm asking to try to avoid unnecessary for loops if possible!
You can take advantage of the csv
module for parsing your data. As you have a string and not a file, you can use io.StringIO
to obtain a file-like object.
The code would simply be:
import csv
from io import StringIO
reader = csv.reader(StringIO('a,b,3,"d,e",f,"e,xam,p,le,"'))
out = next(reader)
# ['a', 'b', '3', 'd,e', 'f', 'e,xam,p,le,']