I'm experimenting with ASP.NET MVC and Routes.
It appears MVC forces me to add a public method to the controller any time I want to create a view. For example:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult About()
return View();
//... a public method for every view.. :(
I do not want to create a public method for every view. By default, I want the behavior of "return View()" for all views in the system, unless otherwise specified.
For example, HTTP GET:
site.com/about site.com/features site.com/ site.com/testimonials site.com/contact-us
As it stands now, I would have to add:
All result in "return View()". This is my problem, I am trying to eliminate creating public action methods for simple views.
For views that require additional processing, like a Contact Us page on an HTTP POST to:
I would like to specifically add a method in the controller to send an SMTP message.
The following is a more concise example of what I am trying to do:
public class HomeController{
public ActionResult ShowBasicView(){
//All URLs above map to this action
return View();
public ActionResult ContactUs(FormCollection data){
//POST URL maps here.
SmtpClient.Send(new MailMessage()) //etc...
return View()
Thanks, Brian
The potential problem with having the ShowBasicView from your edit is that due to the implicit wiring of views, each of those urls will all return the same view, namely:
Now, this might be what you want, although it's probably unlikely.
You could possibly set this up by having a route such as:
new { controller = "Home", action = "ShowBasicView", id = "home" }
And modify your controller to:
public class HomeController: Controller{
public ActionResult ShowBasicView(string pageName){
// Do something here to get the page data from the Model,
// and pass it into the ViewData
ViewData.Model = GetContent(pageName);
// All URLs above map to this action
return View();
Alternatively, if the content is hardcoded in the views you could try:
public class HomeController: Controller{
public ActionResult ShowBasicView(string pageName){
// All URLs above map to this action
// Pass the page name to the view method to call that view.
return View(pageName);
You'll possibly also have to add a route for the base URL, as the ShowBasic route will only hit for a URL with a string value.