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Xcode can not create provisioning profile for app clip automatically

I am trying to archive an iOS app with its app clip, but I could not manage to achieve it. We have an enterprise developer account and I use Xcode12.0 beta2 (12A6163b).

The steps I did were as following:

  • Created a new iOS project
  • Added an app clip target
  • Added app groups for both app target and app clip target
  • Selected automatically manage signing checkbox for both app target and app clip target

For app clip target, I got following error messages:

  • The capability associated with "ON_DEMAND_INSTALL_CAPABLE" could not be determined. Please file a bug report at and include the Update Signing report from the Report navigator.
  • Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching '[BUNDLE_ID_OF_APP_CLIP]'.

Here is screenshot of app target capabilities section: App target capabilities section

Here is screenshot of app clip target capabilities section when I selected Xcode managed signing: app clip target capabilities section auto sign

After I got those error messages, I tried to do this with manual signing. In I registered a new app-id for app clip target. While creating it, I could not find "On demand install capable" capability and enabled these capabilities.

  • App Groups (With enabled app group selected)
  • Associated Domains
  • Game Center
  • In-App Purchase

Here is screenshot of app clip target capabilities section when I manually handled signing: app clip target capabilities section manual sign


  • According to,

    Enterprise distribution isn’t available to App Clips.

    So you can't use your Enterprise account, even though you were able to create an AppId.