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How to launch specific screen on tap of local notification in react native

I'm currently using this library in react-native to schedule local notification, when i tap of notification either from notification centre or from top of the app, i want to redirect the user to specific screen. Currently react-native-push-notification lib using old UILocalNotification classes which are already deprecated.

Below is my code to configure local notification.

onNotification is a callback method triggers when user launches the app from notification centre for iOS and similarly onAction is for Android.

 * To configure for local notifications
 export function localNotificationConfigure() {
   onNotification: async function (notification) {
     console.log('', notification.userInteraction);
  onAction: async function (notification) {
    console.log('notification', notification.userInteraction);
  permissions: {
   alert: true,
   badge: true,
   sound: true,
  popInitialNotification: true,
   requestPermissions: Platform.OS === 'ios',

Is there any way that i can achieve this. Is it because of lib using UILocalNotification which is deprecated and i'm not able to get the action back in the code. Any help is appreciated.


  • This link helped me in achieving my desired functionality.