I'm currently using this library in react-native to schedule local notification, when i tap of notification either from notification centre or from top of the app, i want to redirect the user to specific screen. Currently react-native-push-notification lib using old UILocalNotification classes which are already deprecated.
Below is my code to configure local notification.
onNotification is a callback method triggers when user launches the app from notification centre for iOS and similarly onAction is for Android.
* To configure for local notifications
export function localNotificationConfigure() {
onNotification: async function (notification) {
console.log('notification.data', notification.userInteraction);
onAction: async function (notification) {
console.log('notification', notification.userInteraction);
permissions: {
alert: true,
badge: true,
sound: true,
popInitialNotification: true,
requestPermissions: Platform.OS === 'ios',
Is there any way that i can achieve this. Is it because of lib using UILocalNotification which is deprecated and i'm not able to get the action back in the code. Any help is appreciated.
This link helped me in achieving my desired functionality.