Search code examples

isMomentary on SegmentedPickerStyle Swiftui

Trying to set isMomentary of Picker SegmentedPickerStyle in SwiftUI.

UIKit UISegmentedControl has a Bool isMomentary.

Looking for how to achieve the same for SwiftUI


  • This is an example of how I handle it. Basically you have your picker set its selection back to whatever default value you want it to be. In this example I have a segmented picker with 5x options from 2 -> 50 miles. I can perform an action after a selection that corresponds to that selection; After which it will return to its default state. You can add a delay or animation to this to make it a bit smoother, but that's outside the scope of this question.

    @State var selectedRange = 2
    //someView {...
                        Picker(selection: selectedRange, label: Text("Search Radius")) {
                            Text("2 miles").tag(0)
                            Text("5 miles").tag(1)
                            Text("10 miles").tag(2)
                            Text("25 miles").tag(3)
                            Text("50 miles").tag(4)
                        .onChange(of: selectedRange, perform: { value in


    I actually have mine inside of a ViewModel but in this example it's on the view itself. Just be sure to check scope and put it in the right place.

    func doAction() {
        //Do whatever you need to have done.
        switch selectedRange {
            case 0:
                //Do Something.
                //Do Something
        selectedRange = 2