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Xamarin Forms: DisplayAlert background tap firing the cancel event

I am using a DisplayAlert like below in my project.

var answer = await DisplayAlert("Alert", "You are invited to join a group, would you like to accept it or not?", "Accept", "Reject");
if (answer)
    //accept invitation
    //reject invitation

Accept and Reject options are working fine. My problem is Reject option is executing when tapping on the background or device back arrow. Is it has a simple solution other than implementing Rg.Plugins.Popup?


  • I had a similar request once, and I quickly "solved it" with a workaround like this (using DisplayActionSheet):

    bool isActionSelected = false;
        string action = await DisplayActionSheet ("You are invited to join a group, would you like to accept it or not?", null, null, "Accept", "Reject");
        if (action == "Accept")
            isActionSelected = true;
            //do stuff         
        else if (action == "Reject")
            isActionSelected = true;
            //do stuff         
            isActionSelected = false;

    This is not suggested, unless you are in a hurry.

    So, I would suggest you creating a custom popupView, something like this

                <ContentView x:Name="popupView" BackgroundColor="#C0808080" Padding="10, 0" IsVisible="false" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0, 0, 1, 1" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All">
                    <StackLayout VerticalOptions="Center" HorizontalOptions="Center">
                        <StackLayout Orientation="Vertical" HeightRequest="150" WidthRequest="200" BackgroundColor="White">                        
                            <Label x:Name="myLabel" TextColor="Black" Text="You are invited to join a group, would you like to accept it or not?" />
                            <Button Text="Accept" TextTransform="None" Clicked="AcceptClicked" />
                            <Button Text="Reject" TextTransform="None" Clicked="RejectClicked" />

    then in .cs

    popupView.IsVisible = true;

    when you want this to appear.