I am using Pycharm Text Editor
and PyCryptodome Library
for encryption of message using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
. It is also one of the majorly used Symmetric Encryption Algorithm
. My code of AES Encryption
was stated below:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
key = os.urandom(16)
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(message)
And I am encountering the error:-
AttributeError: 'EcbMode' object has no attribute 'encrypt_and_digest
at line:-
ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(message)
I have tried uninstalling the module a couple of times but the error persists.
does not mark the line with red underscores and I can use ctrl-click
to go into the source and see that the encrypt_and_digest()
function exists.
My question is:-
Why can't the code go through the compiler?
Is there another module in python that I can use to perform AES encryption
From Error
we can see that encrypt_and_digest()
attribute is not available in ECB (Electronic Code Book)
Mode of AES Encryption
. So, there are two Solution for your query let's have a look at one by one:-
1. By Changing Mode:-
By Changing mode
to modern modes
we can use encrypt_and_digest()
module. Basically encrypt_and_digest()
module is combination of encrypt()
and digest()
:- This module used to Encrypt
your Message
:- This module used to Generate MAC Tag
of Message
# List of 'Modern Modes' was given below:-
Code for the given Scenario Using EAX Mode
was stated below:-
# Import all the Important Libraries
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import os
# 'pad_message()' function declaration for padding purpose.
# Because 'message' length should be always multiple of '16'
def pad_message(message):
while len(message) % 16 != 0:
message = message + " "
return message
# Initialization of 'Key' and 'Message'
key = os.urandom(16)
message = input("Enter your Message for AES Encryption:- ")
# If the length of the message is not multiple of '16' then pad it
message = pad_message(message)
# Print Message, Key and Length of Message before Encryption Process
print("\nMessage:-", message)
print("Key:-", key)
print("Length of the Message:-", len(message))
# Declare New module for AES Encryption in 'EAX' Mode
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_EAX)
# Encrypt 'Message' and Generate 'MAC Tag' Using 'encrypt_and_digest()' method
cipher_text, mac_tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(message.encode('utf-8'))
# Print Encrypted Message
print("\nEncryption of Message Using AES:-", cipher_text)
print("MAC Tag of our Encrypted Message is:-", mac_tag)
# Output of Above Code:-
Enter your Message for AES Encryption:- Stack Overflow
Message:- Stack Overflow
Key:- b'\xf1\x9a\xc1\x12\xdcI7\xc8\xe4\xcf\x1e5\xe4\x93i\xc4'
Length of the Message:- 16
Encryption of Message Using AES:- b'\x97\x0e+\xcb^\x82\xeelhs2_\x90m\x1c+'
MAC Tag of our Encrypted Message is:- b'c!\xb2\xf4\x82\xceT3\x0cM1\x04\x87(y?'
2. Without Changing Mode:-
If you want to Encrypt
Using ECB (Electronic Code Book)
Mode. then we can Use encrypt()
and hex()
Code for the given Scenario Using ECB Mode
was stated below:-
# Import all the Important Libraries
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import os
# 'pad_message()' function declaration for padding purpose.
# Because 'message' length should be always multiple of '16'
def pad_message(message):
while len(message) % 16 != 0:
message = message + " "
return message
# Initialization of 'Key' and 'Message'
key = os.urandom(16)
message = input("Enter your Message for AES Encryption:- ")
# If the length of the message is not multiple of '16' then pad it
message = pad_message(message)
# Print Message, Key and Length of Message before Encryption Process
print("\nMessage:-", message)
print("Key:-", key)
print("Length of the Message:-", len(message))
# Declare New module for AES Encryption in 'ECB (Electronic Codebook)' Mode
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
# Encrypt 'Message'
cipher_text = cipher.encrypt(message.encode('utf-8'))
# Print Encrypted Message
print("\nEncryption of Message Using AES:-", cipher_text)
print("Hex of Cipher Text:-", cipher_text.hex())
# Verify by decrypting Cipher Text whether you are recieving same message or not
decrypted_message = cipher.decrypt(cipher_text)
print("\nDecryption of Cipher Text Using AES:-", decrypted_message)
# Output of Above Code:-
Enter your Message for AES Encryption:- Stack Overflow
Message:- Stack Overflow
Key:- b'\x94\x88o\xf0\x8f\xbe\xec\x0e\x1e\xdf\x06A\xdf<\xbe\xe3'
Length of the Message:- 16
Encryption of Message Using AES:- b'\xf6c)\xee\xea\x13\xdcX\x9c\x06E\x82~{c\xc6'
Hex of Cipher Text:- f66329eeea13dc589c0645827e7b63c6
The decryption of Cipher Text Using AES:- b'Stack Overflow
Hope this Solution helps you.