Beginner Pythonista here
Making a betting game as part of an OOP exercise.
made a Player class with a bet function:
# Player Class
class Player():
def __init__(self,name): = name
self.hand = []
self.chips = 0
def deposit(self,amount):
self.chips += int(amount)
print(f"{amount} chips deposited.\nTotal available funds: {self.chips}")
def bet(self):
amount = int(input("Place your bet: "))
if not amount > self.chips:
self.chips -= amount
print(f"You bet {amount}. New Balance: {self.chips}")
return amount
print("You cannot bet above your chips")
I was under the impression that a method within a class acted as a function, but the "return amount" command returns "None/NoneType".
How can I return the integer value to add to assign to a variable?
Thanks in advance
Probably went through else statement, that does not return anything. Tried your code and it works as expected if you meet if criteria in bet function (one that has return)
a.chips = 100
Place your bet: >? 1
You bet 1. New Balance: 99
Out[8]: 1