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Not able to set max-height in css for navbar logo

Am trying to create navbar with logo but unable to increase the size of image.

This is written in kotlin/js but concept should be same for native html/js code.

Html index file:

fun HTML.index() {
  head {
    title("Welcome to Seller Service")
    link(rel = "stylesheet", href = "[email protected]/css/bulma.css") { }
    link(rel = "stylesheet", href = "static/styles/index.css") {}
  body {
    div {
      id = "index"
    script(src = "/static/output.js") {}
    script(src = "") {}

React kotlin/js code to replace div with index id:

  override fun RBuilder.render() {
    div(classes = "section") {
      div(classes = "container") {
        nav(classes = "navbar") {
          div(classes = "navbar-brand"){
            a(classes = "navbar-item"){
              img(classes = "img-style", src = "static/images/logo-text.png", alt = "Site logo") {

css seen from console in browser:

.navbar-item img {

.img-style {

max-height:4rem; my max-height is not applied, any idea why?


  • It is overall governed by order of properties. I solved this problem by overriding the same rule in my css and linking it to the page.

    .navbar-item > img { max-height: 4rem; }

    I override this rule of navbar-item class direct children img.