I have 36 years' worth of data (yearly annual temp), its latitude, and longitude. I want to make yearly raster (tif) for each year. I can make one by one, but could not wrap around for a loop. Any help is appreciated.
setwd("C:/NEW DSW/Scenarios")
tas_yearly_ssp126_15_21<-read.table("tas_yearly_ssp126_15_21.csv", header = TRUE, sep=",")
STID Long Lat Y2015 Y2016 Y2017 Y2018 Y2019 Y2020 Y2021 Y2022 Y2023
1 St1 -88.12124 37.99907 16.15833 16.26667 14.80833 14.20000 14.54167 14.75000 14.83333 15.06667 14.20000
2 St2 -88.09833 37.99759 16.21667 16.33333 14.87500 14.28333 14.62500 14.80000 14.92500 15.11667 14.24167
3 St3 -88.07541 37.99611 16.21667 16.33333 14.87500 14.28333 14.62500 14.80000 14.92500 15.11667 14.24167
4 St4 -88.05250 37.99462 16.22500 16.33333 14.89167 14.30833 14.65833 14.80000 14.92500 15.12500 14.23333
5 St5 -88.02959 37.99313 16.22500 16.33333 14.89167 14.30833 14.65833 14.80000 14.92500 15.12500 14.23333
6 St6 -88.00668 37.99163 16.25833 16.36667 14.94167 14.39167 14.72500 14.84167 14.93333 15.16667 14.2583
class : Extent
xmin : -89.99975
xmax : -87.99981
ymin : 36.00081
ymax : 38.00013
dummy_ras<-raster(ras_extent,ncol=84,nrow=103,crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
###For a single column rasterize###
rasterize(lat_long, dummy_ras, fillv, fun='last', background=NA,mask=FALSE, update=FALSE, updateValue='all', filename="Year2015.tif", na.rm=TRUE)
class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 103, 84, 8652 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 0.02380881, 0.01941086 (x, y)
extent : -89.99975, -87.99981, 36.00081, 38.00013 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
source : C:/NEW DSW/Scenarios/Year2015.tif
names : Year2015
values : 15.21667, 18.31667 (min, max)
How do I automate and make tif of respective years? and save as an individual tif in a specified folder
Using the head
of you data:
df <- structure(list(STID = 1:6, Long = c(-88.12124, -88.09833, -88.07541,
-88.0525, -88.02959, -88.00668), Lat = c(37.99907, 37.99759,
37.99611, 37.99462, 37.99313, 37.99163), Y2015 = c(16.15833,
16.21667, 16.21667, 16.225, 16.225, 16.25833), Y2016 = c(16.26667,
16.33333, 16.33333, 16.33333, 16.33333, 16.36667), Y2017 = c(14.80833,
14.875, 14.875, 14.89167, 14.89167, 14.94167), Y2018 = c(14.2,
14.28333, 14.28333, 14.30833, 14.30833, 14.39167), Y2019 = c(14.54167,
14.625, 14.625, 14.65833, 14.65833, 14.725), Y2020 = c(14.75,
14.8, 14.8, 14.8, 14.8, 14.84167), Y2021 = c(14.83333, 14.925,
14.925, 14.925, 14.925, 14.93333), Y2022 = c(15.06667, 15.11667,
15.11667, 15.125, 15.125, 15.16667), Y2023 = c(14.2, 14.24167,
14.24167, 14.23333, 14.23333, 14.2583)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
the simplest way is to wrap your code into a function and then lapply
over indices of columns.
dummy_ras<-raster(ras_extent,ncol=84,nrow=103,crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
myfun <- function(x){
rasterize(lat_long, dummy_ras, fillv, fun='last', background=NA,mask=FALSE,
update=FALSE, updateValue='all', filename=paste0(names(fillv),".tif"), na.rm=TRUE)
lapply(1:ncol(tas_yearly_ssp126_15_21), myfun)
here the outputs are saved as .tif in your working directory (in getwd()
). You can change this, by add the path of the folder to the paste0
call. Es:
rasterize(lat_long, dummy_ras, fillv, fun='last', background=NA,mask=FALSE,
update=FALSE, updateValue='all', filename=paste0("D:/myfolder/",names(fillv),".tif"), na.rm=TRUE)