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How to test async functions that use Tokio?

I have an async function that I need to test. This function uses a mongodb::Database object to run, so I initialize the connection in the setup() function and use tokio_test::block_on() to wrap the await expression inside.

mod tests {
    use mongodb::{options::ClientOptions, Client};
    use tokio_test;

    async fn setup() -> mongodb::Database {
        tokio_test::block_on(async {
            let client_uri = "mongodb://";
            let options = ClientOptions::parse(&client_uri).await;
            let client_result = Client::with_options(options.unwrap());
            let client = client_result.unwrap();

    fn test_something_async() {
        // for some reason, test cannot be async
        let DB = setup(); // <- the DB is impl std::future::Future type

        // the DB variable will be used to run another
        // async function named "some_async_func"
        // but it doesn't work since DB is a Future type
        // Future type need await keyword
        // but if I use await-async keywords here, it complains
        // error: async functions cannot be used for tests
        // so what to do here ?


  • Just replace #[test] with #[tokio::test] before any test function. If you use actix-web you can add actix_rt into Cargo.toml and #[actix_rt::test] before the test function

    async fn test_something_async() {
        let DB = setup().await; // <- the DB is impl std::future::Future type
        // the DB variable will be used to run another
        // async function named "some_async_func"
        // but it doesn't work since DB is a Future type 
        // Future type need await keyword
        // but if I use await-async keywords here, it complains
        // error: async functions cannot be used for tests
        // so what to do here ?