I'm using Oracle 12C, now I'm in a following trouble:
I have multiple stored procedures like:
schema.TEST1, schema.TEST2, schema.TEST3....
Now, I want to rename all of them to schema.TEST01
, schema.TEST02
, schema.TEST03
...or any name I want which was formatted before, this is for backup.
In Oracle, I can't rename a stored procedure using a ALTER
statement rename like SQL. How can I do this with one click?
Make changes according to your schema and naming convention. But it is nonsense, you do not need to backup in that way. But I took it as a challenge and would like to present you the below code
Use CLOB if source text is large enough.
type names_table is table of VARCHAR2(50);
names names_table;
TYPE source_txt_table is TABLE OF VARCHAR2(32767);
source_txt source_txt_table;
header VARCHAR2(32767);
final_sourc_txt VARCHAR2(32767);
SELECT OBJECT_NAME bulk COLLECT into names from user_procedures WHERE object_type = 'PROCEDURE' AND OBJECT_NAME IN ('DO_SOMETHING_1','DO_SOMETHING_2');
FOR i in 1..names.LAST
SELECT text bulk COLLECT into source_txt
FROM all_source
WHERE name = names(i)
ORDER BY line;
source_txt(1) := 'CREATE OR REPLACE '||source_txt(1);
header := REGEXP_REPLACE(upper(source_txt(1)), names(i), 'HR.'||names(i)||'_bck'); --make changes according to new naming convention
source_txt(1) := header;
FOR j in 1..source_txt.LAST
final_sourc_txt := final_sourc_txt||source_txt(j);
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE final_sourc_txt;
dbms_output.put_line('Success: '|| names(i));
final_sourc_txt := NULL;
header := NULL;
source_txt := NULL;