Search code examples

Can someone Turn this group by code into Pomelo Entity Framework?

I'm trying to get the number of tasks performed on a daily basis and plot them into a chart, but the thing is I can't figure out the pomelo entity code.

 Select  FirstName,count(ToDoId)
    From todos as M 
    Inner join users as u
        on M.UserId=u.UserId
    where u.UserId=1
    GROUP BY M.UserId, CAST(M.CreatedAt AS DATE)


  • Assuming corresponding model classes for your two tables, that contain navigation properties, the LINQ query could look like this:

    var todoCountByFirstNameAndDate = context.Todos.Include(e => e.User)
        .GroupBy(t => new {t.User.FirstName, t.CreatedAt.Date})
        .Select(g => new {g.Key.FirstName, g.Key.Date, TodoCount = g.Count()})

    The generated SQL would then be:

    SELECT `u`.`FirstName`, CONVERT(`t`.`CreatedAt`, date) AS `Date`, COUNT(*) AS `TodoCount`
    FROM `Todos` AS `t`
    INNER JOIN `Users` AS `u` ON `t`.`UserId` = `u`.`UserId`
    GROUP BY `u`.`FirstName`, CONVERT(`t`.`CreatedAt`, date)

    Here is a complete and working console sample project, that demonstrates the bits and pieces:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Linq;
    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
    using Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql.Infrastructure;
    namespace IssueConsoleTemplate
        // Entities:
        public class User
            public int UserId { get; set; }
            public string FirstName { get; set; }
            public virtual ICollection<Todo> Todos { get; set; } = new HashSet<Todo>();
        public class Todo
            public int TodoId { get; set; }
            public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; }
            public int UserId { get; set; }
            public User User { get; set; }
        // DbContext:
        public class Context : DbContext
            public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
            public DbSet<Todo> Todos { get; set; }
            protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
                        b => b.ServerVersion("8.0.21-mysql")
                            b => b
                                .AddFilter(level => level >= LogLevel.Information)))
            protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
                        new User {UserId = 1, FirstName = "John"},
                        new User {UserId = 2, FirstName = "Jane"});
                        new Todo {TodoId = 11, CreatedAt = new DateTime(2021, 4, 17, 14, 21, 41), UserId = 1},
                        new Todo {TodoId = 12, CreatedAt = new DateTime(2021, 4, 17, 18, 11, 21), UserId = 1},
                        new Todo {TodoId = 13, CreatedAt = new DateTime(2021, 4, 17, 14, 21, 41), UserId = 2},
                        new Todo {TodoId = 14, CreatedAt = new DateTime(2021, 4, 18, 18, 11, 21), UserId = 2});
        internal static class Program
            private static void Main()
                using var context = new Context();
                var todoCountByFirstNameAndDate = context.Todos.Include(e => e.User)
                    .GroupBy(t => new {t.User.FirstName, t.CreatedAt.Date})
                    .Select(g => new {g.Key.FirstName, g.Key.Date, TodoCount = g.Count()})
                    .OrderBy(r => r.FirstName)
                        .ThenBy(r => r.Date)
                Trace.Assert(todoCountByFirstNameAndDate.Count == 3);
                Trace.Assert(todoCountByFirstNameAndDate[0].FirstName == "Jane");
                Trace.Assert(todoCountByFirstNameAndDate[0].Date == new DateTime(2021, 4, 17));
                Trace.Assert(todoCountByFirstNameAndDate[0].TodoCount == 1);
                Trace.Assert(todoCountByFirstNameAndDate[1].FirstName == "Jane");
                Trace.Assert(todoCountByFirstNameAndDate[1].Date == new DateTime(2021, 4, 18));
                Trace.Assert(todoCountByFirstNameAndDate[1].TodoCount == 1);
                Trace.Assert(todoCountByFirstNameAndDate[2].FirstName == "John");
                Trace.Assert(todoCountByFirstNameAndDate[2].Date == new DateTime(2021, 4, 17));
                Trace.Assert(todoCountByFirstNameAndDate[2].TodoCount == 2);