I am trying to change a specific field in multiple objects of a sub-document to false but I am having issues with mongoose when I try to use $set
to update the document.
This is the data structure.
name: 'Joe',
card: [
{ type: 'visa', select: true},
{ type: 'masterCard', select: false},
{ type: 'unionPay', select: true},
name: 'Pascal',
card: [
{ type: 'unionPay', select: false},
{ type: 'visa', select: true},
{ type: 'masterCard', select: false},
execpted result
name: 'Joe',
card: [
{ type: 'visa', select: false}, <--- was changed to false
{ type: 'masterCard', select: false},
{ type: 'unionPay', select: false}, <--- was changed to false
name: 'Pascal',
card: [
{ type: 'unionPay', select: false},
{ type: 'visa', select: true},
{ type: 'masterCard', select: false},
I currently wrote this query but it is not working as expected.
{ name: 'Joe },
card:{$set: { select: false },
What am I doing wrong?
Demo - https://mongoplayground.net/p/-ScRx2XpZ9E
Use $[]
The filtered positional operator $[] identifies the array elements that match the arrayFilters conditions for an update operation
You can update 1 top-level index at one time
{ name: "Joe" },
{ $set: { "card.$[c].select": false } },
{ arrayFilters: [ { "c.type": "visa" } ] }
Use db.collection.bulkWrite to make 2 queries in 1 go.
db.collection.bulkWrite( [
updateOne : {
"filter":{ name: "Joe" },
"update": { $set: { "card.$[c].select": false } },
"arrayFilters": [ { "c.type": "visa" } ]
updateOne : {
"filter":{ name: "Joe" },
"update": { $set: { "card.$[c].select": false } },
"arrayFilters": [ { "c.type": "unionPay" } ]