I'm sending push notifications every time a post it's published. All works as expected but ACF fields are empty. On contrary when I do re-save the post data comes through correctly.
Basic Workflow
I've been reading several threads, but could not achieve to deliver ACF fields to rest after creating the post.
What I have tried:
With priority 100 in order to make sure the post has already been save and then later get the info.
["YaguaretePluginApiBlog", "postPushNotification"],
Tried to use the transition_post_status, same results.
["YaguaretePluginApiBlog", "postPushNotification"],
add_action('rest_after_insert_post', ["YaguaretePluginApiBlog", "postPushNotification"], 100, 3);
All of them triggers without problems but when it comes to get ACF fields nothing works.
also tried default acf/save_post, but unfortunately this one do not even fire up in contrast with the other actions
add_action("acf/save_post", [
This is what I have tried to get the acf fields
tried to use the_field function from ACF
$data[notificationType] = the_field(
tried to use the post_meta to retrieve the field info
$data[notificationType] = get_post_meta($post["id"])[
tried to use the get_field from ACF
get_field("yaguarete_push_notification", $post["id"], false)
Nothing seems to work, could anyone with more experience point out what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
For anyone barging into same issue, I ended up using the following hook "rest_after_insert_post".
After several tests which included only to trigger some actions only when post was published this did the trick:
["YaguaretePluginApiBlog", "postPushNotification"],
only send push when new post has been published
function postPushNotification($post, $request, $creating)
$postOriginal = $post;
$post = [get_post($post->ID)];
$post = YaguaretePluginApiBlog::formatPosts($post)[0];
//only send push notification when
if (
$postOriginal->post_type == "post" &&
$postOriginal->post_status == "publish" &&
$postOriginal->post_modified == $postOriginal->post_date
) {
Hook already saved all meta data, including ACF fields which was my original issue not retrieving the values from this custom fields