Search code examples

vega: filter nth of each group

If I were to group by date, how would I filter the nth entry of each group?

  "$schema": "",
  "data": {"url": ""},
  "mark": "point",
  "encoding": {
    "x": {"field": "date", "type": "temporal"},
    "y": {"field": "temp", "type": "quantitative"}


Let's keep this data-agnostic as my data has many columns and I would like rows in their entirety.


  • Transforms overview:

    1. Convert times to dates for grouping.
    2. Group by date and number each row within the groups.
    3. Filter on nth row.
      "$schema": "",
      "data": {"url": ""},
      "transform": [
        {"timeUnit": "yearmonthdate", "field": "date", "as": "date"},
          "window": [{"op": "row_number", "as": "row"}],
          "groupby": ["date"]
        {"calculate": "datum.index", "as":"newnew"},
        {"filter": "datum['row'] == 1"}
      "mark": "point",
      "encoding": {
        "x": {"field": "date", "type": "temporal"},
        "y": {"field": "temp", "type": "quantitative"}

    The downside is that the vega editor becomes very slow after adding the window transform.