This is my code.
// insert reward into wallet
$sql = "
INSERT INTO `wallet` (`uid`, `created_at`, `amount`, `type`, `payment_id`) VALUES (:uid, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, :amount, 'payment', :payment_id);
$sth = self::link()->prepare($sql);
// primary key makes sure payment does not get double rewarded
':uid' => $referer,
':amount' => $reward,
':payment_id' => $payment_data['payment_id'],
self::log("issuing subscription",self::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG);
// extend referers subscription
$tid = self::link()->lastInsertId();
self::log("using $tid as id for wallet transfer",self::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG);
My log says:
[2011-07-02 20:31:44] using 0 as id for wallet transfer
However the insert query is successful, the database record is created and both errorInfo outputs give no error.
Remove the semicolon or the whitespace after the semicolon or both from your query:
$sql = "
INSERT INTO `wallet` (`uid`, `created_at`, `amount`, `type`, `payment_id`) VALUES (:uid, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, :amount, 'payment', :payment_id)