I'm trying to download an entire Youtube channel and that worked.
But I'm having the directories' names like below and thus I need to change that all manually.
I need a way to pass channel / playlist name and id to the script instead of fetching the url.
Script I used :
# get working/beginning directory
# get playlists data from channel list
youtube-dl -j --flat-playlist \
"https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-QDfvrRIDB6F0bIO4I4HkQ/playlists" \
|cut -d ' ' -f4 \
|cut -c 2-73 \
|while IFS= read -r line;
# loop: do with every playlist link
# make a directory named by the playlist identifier in url
mkdir ${line:38:80};
# change directory to new directory
cd $l/${line:38:80};
# download playlist
youtube-dl -f mp4 "$line";
# print playlist absolute dir to user
# change directory to beginning directory
cd $l;
Names of directories :
├── PLxl69kCRkiI0oIqgQW3gWjDfI-e7ooTUF
├── PLxl69kCRkiI0q0Ib8lm3ZJsG3HltLQDuQ
├── PLxl69kCRkiI1Ebm-yvZyUKnfoi6VVNdQ7
├── ...
└── PLxl69kCRkiI3u-k02uTpu7z4wzYLOE3sq
This is not working :
# any playlist is seen as private
youtube-dl -J \
https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3GeP3YLZn5jOiHM8Js1_S0p_5HeS7TbY \
| jq -r '.title'
How to use youtube-dl from a python program?
I need it for bash script not for python
Edit: simply explained
How to get channel name from bash youtube-dl and replace it with list id for file name in this script
Consider the following:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# if we don't delete slashes from titles there are serious security issues here
# note that this url, being in quotes, needs no backslash escaping.
# First, get the name for the whole playlist
playlist_title=$(youtube-dl -J --flat-playlist "$url" | jq -r .title) || exit
# ...and, for the rest of the script, work under a directory named by that title
mkdir -p -- "${playlist_title//$slash/}" || exit
cd "${playlist_title//$slash/}" || exit
# Finally, loop over the individual videos and download them one at a time.
# ...arguably, you could tell youtube-dl to do this itself; call it an exercise.
youtube-dl -j --flat-playlist "$url" | # one JSON document per playlist entry
jq -r '[.id, .title] | @tsv' | # write id, then title, tab-separated
while IFS=$'\t' read -r id title; do ( # read that id and title from jq
# because of the ()s, this is a subshell; exits just go to the next item
# ...which is also why exec doesn't end the entire script.
dir=${title//$slash/} # take slashes out of the title to form directory
mkdir -p -- "$dir" || exit
cd -- "$dir" || exit # if cd fails, do not download anything
exec youtube-dl "$id" # exec is a minor perf optimization; consume subshell
); done
inside that subshell is automatically reversed when the parenthesized section is exited./etc/sudoers.d/hi-there
or otherwise placing files in arbitrarily-chosen places."$dir"
instead of just $dir
. That's important; see shellcheck warning SC2086.