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Github User Pages and Custom Domain Issue

I have a couple of issues I believe are related regarding githubpages.

First, when trying to create my user page by naming the repo the same as my username, I expect the url to be this it looks like this

I have been to work around this by naming my repo, which produces the correct URL.

Now, I want to create a custom domain with this user page. I can use my custom domain with the above workaround, but this now affects all other repos which use github pages. For example, I setup to use But now I have another project that uses gh pages called someotherproject. The url now redirects to instead of

Is this working correctly?


  • But now I have another project that uses gh pages called someotherproject. The url now redirects to instead of

    This is what described in the official documentation "Supported custom domains"

    After you configure a custom domain for a user or organization site, the custom domain will replace the <user> or <organization> portion of the URL for any project sites owned by the account that do not have a custom domain configured.

    For example, if the custom domain for your user site is, and you have a project site with no custom domain configured that is published from a repository called octo-project, the GitHub Pages site for that repository will be available at

    That was reported as an issue in 2016:

    I'm afraid this can't be disabled. If you have a CNAME file in a User pages site you other project pages will redirect to this Url.

    You can override it by adding a different CNAME to your project page though or just create another Project site to act as your user page.

    In 2020, here is a possible workaround, mentioned by Oliver Vorasai:

    The Problem

    The Solution

    Not ideal though, as mentioned by Emma Sax :

    I still think the best solution would be an option in the GH Pages settings of a project page to not redirect the domain of a project page.

    This way, users would have a choice of having redirect to or having it stay where it is.

    It's frustrating to me that we even need to find an alternative solution at all.