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CUDA out of memory error when doing matrix multiplication using Numba

I need to multiply a matrix with its transpose and I am running out of memory on my GPU with eror message numba.cuda.cudadrv.driver.CudaAPIError: [2] Call to cuMemAlloc results in CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY

I am expecting the size of my matrix to be around 10k rows and 100k columns so multiplying it with its trnspose will give a result of a square matrix of 10k rows and 10k columns. The matrix only contains 0 and 1.

This is the script that I am running.

from numba import cuda, uint16
import numba
import numpy
import math
import time

TPB = 16

def matmul_shared_mem(A, B, C):
    sA = cuda.shared.array((TPB, TPB), dtype=uint16)
    sB = cuda.shared.array((TPB, TPB), dtype=uint16)
    x, y = cuda.grid(2)
    tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
    ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
    if x >= C.shape[0] and y >= C.shape[1]:
    tmp = 0.
    for i in range(int(A.shape[1] / TPB)):
        sA[tx, ty] = A[x, ty + i * TPB]
        sB[tx, ty] = B[tx + i * TPB, y]
        for j in range(TPB):
            tmp += sA[tx, j] * sB[j, ty]
    C[x, y] = tmp

A = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(TPB * 625, 50000))

B = A.transpose()

C_shared_mem = cuda.device_array((A.shape[0], B.shape[1]))

threads_per_block = (TPB, TPB)
blocks_per_grid_x = int(math.ceil(A.shape[0] / threads_per_block[0]))
blocks_per_grid_y = int(math.ceil(B.shape[1] / threads_per_block[1]))
blocks_per_grid = (blocks_per_grid_x, blocks_per_grid_y)

start_gpu_shared_memory = time.time()
matmul_shared_mem[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](A, B, C_shared_mem)
end_gpu_shared_memory = time.time()

time_gpu_shared = end_gpu_shared_memory - start_gpu_shared_memory
print("GPU time(shared memory):" + str(time_gpu_shared))

Update 1:

Based on your suggestions, I made certain changes but well I am still running out of memory.

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
colm = int(200000/8)
rows = 100000
cols = int(colm*8)
AU = np.random.randint(2,size=(rows, cols),dtype=np.int8)
A = np.empty((rows,colm), dtype=np.uint8)

@nb.njit('void(uint8[:,:],int8[:,:])', parallel=True)
def compute(A, AU):
    for i in nb.prange(A.shape[0]):
        for j in range(A.shape[1]):
            offset = j * 8
            res = AU[i,offset] << 7
            res |= AU[i,offset+1] << 6
            res |= AU[i,offset+2] << 5
            res |= AU[i,offset+3] << 4
            res |= AU[i,offset+4] << 3
            res |= AU[i,offset+5] << 2
            res |= AU[i,offset+6] << 1
            res |= AU[i,offset+7]
            A[i,j] = res

compute(A, AU)

from numba import cuda, uint8, int32
import numba
import numpy as np
import math
import time

TPB = 8
TPB1 = 9

def bit_A_AT(A, C):
    sA = cuda.shared.array((TPB, TPB), dtype=uint8)
    sB = cuda.shared.array((TPB, TPB1), dtype=uint8)
    x, y = cuda.grid(2)
    tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
    ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
    bx = cuda.blockIdx.x
    by = cuda.blockIdx.y
    if bx >= by:
        tmp = int32(0)
        for i in range((A.shape[1]+TPB-1) // TPB):
            if y < A.shape[0] and (i*TPB+tx) < A.shape[1]:
                sA[ty, tx] = A[y, i*TPB+tx]
                sA[ty, tx] = 0
            if (TPB*bx+ty) < A.shape[0] and (i*TPB+tx) < A.shape[1]:
                sB[ty, tx] = A[TPB*bx+ty, i*TPB+tx]
                sB[ty, tx] = 0
            for j in range(TPB):
                tmp1 = sA[ty,j] & sB[tx, j]
                test = uint8(1)
                for k in range(8):
                    if (tmp1 & test) > 0:
                        tmp += 1
                    test <<= 1
        if y < C.shape[0] and x < C.shape[1]:
            C[y, x] = tmp

C = np.empty((A.shape[0], A.shape[0]), dtype=np.int32)
threads_per_block = (TPB, TPB)
blocks_per_grid_x = int(math.ceil(A.shape[0] / threads_per_block[0]))
blocks_per_grid_y = int(math.ceil(A.shape[0] / threads_per_block[1]))
blocks_per_grid = (blocks_per_grid_x, blocks_per_grid_y)

start_gpu_shared_memory = time.time()
bit_A_AT[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](A, C)
end_gpu_shared_memory = time.time()

time_gpu_shared = end_gpu_shared_memory - start_gpu_shared_memory
print("GPU time(shared memory):" + str(time_gpu_shared))

Any idea how I can fiix this?


  • The following method should reduce the amount of device memory required for the calculation of A x AT. We'll use the following ideas:

    • since the input array (A) only takes on values of 0,1, we'll reduce the storage for that array down to the minimum convenient size, int8, i.e. one byte per element
    • since the B array is just the transpose of the A array, there is no need to handle it explicitly. We can derive it from the A array, somehwhat similar to here, although that is performing AT x A
    • the matrix multiplication of A x AT involves taking the dot-product of the rows of matrix A, as indicated here
    • we will provide the A transposed version in the sB array using adjusted indexing
    • there are a range of other changes to your code, to address various errors and also to improve load/store efficiency, such as a general reversal of your usage of x,y indices
    • I've also fixed your usage of syncthreads and modified the code to allow arbitrary values for row and column dimensions

    Here is a worked example:

    $ cat
    from numba import cuda, int32, int8
    import numba
    import numpy as np
    import math
    import time
    TPB = 32
    TPB1 = TPB+1
    def byte_A_AT(A, C):
        sA = cuda.shared.array((TPB, TPB),  dtype=int8)
        sB = cuda.shared.array((TPB, TPB1), dtype=int8)
        x, y = cuda.grid(2)
        tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
        ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
        bx = cuda.blockIdx.x
        by = cuda.blockIdx.y
    # uncomment and indent remainder of kernel to only do the "symmetric half" of calculation
    #    if bx >= by:
        tmp = int32(0)
        for i in range((A.shape[1]+TPB-1)// TPB):
            if y < A.shape[0] and (i*TPB+tx) < A.shape[1]:
                sA[ty, tx] = A[y, i*TPB+tx]
                sA[ty, tx] = 0
            if (TPB*bx+ty) < A.shape[0] and (i*TPB+tx) < A.shape[1]:
                sB[ty, tx] = A[TPB*bx+ty, i*TPB+tx]
                sB[ty, tx] = 0
            for j in range(TPB):
                tmp += int32(sA[ty,j]) * int32(sB[tx, j])
        if y < C.shape[0] and x < C.shape[1]:
            C[y, x] = tmp
    rows = 1041
    cols = 1043
    print('host mem: ', (rows*cols*2+rows*rows*4*2)//1048576, 'MB device mem: ', (rows*cols+rows*rows*4)//1048576, 'MB')
    A = np.random.randint(2,size=(rows, cols),dtype=np.int8)
    AT = A.transpose()
    CU = np.matmul(A,AT, dtype = np.int32)
    C = np.empty((A.shape[0], A.shape[0]), dtype=np.int32)
    threads_per_block = (TPB, TPB)
    blocks_per_grid_x = int(math.ceil(A.shape[0] / threads_per_block[0]))
    blocks_per_grid_y = int(math.ceil(A.shape[0] / threads_per_block[1]))
    blocks_per_grid = (blocks_per_grid_x, blocks_per_grid_y)
    byte_A_AT[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](A, C)
    start_gpu_shared_memory = time.time()
    byte_A_AT[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](A, C)
    end_gpu_shared_memory = time.time()
    time_gpu_shared = end_gpu_shared_memory - start_gpu_shared_memory
    print("GPU time(shared memory):" + str(time_gpu_shared))
    test = np.array_equal(C, CU)
    if test == False:
        for i in range(C.shape[0]):
            for j in range(C.shape[1]):
                if C[i,j] != CU[i,j]:
                    print(i, ' ' , j ,' ' , C[i,j] , ' ' , CU[i,j])
    $ python
    host mem:  10 MB device mem:  5 MB
    GPU time(shared memory):0.019593000411987305


    • most of the runtime of the above code will be spent in python (in the np.matmul() operation, which is really only used to verify results, it should not be necessary for an actual implementation), not in the GPU portion. As the matrices are made larger, the code will run much more slowly.
    • as mentioned in the comments, the result of A x AT is a symmetric matrix. My code does not take advantage of this, however we could crudely take advantage of it by uncommenting the if test at the beginning of the kernel and then indenting the remainder of the kernel. However this will cause the host code np.array_equal test to fail, of course.
    • the device memory consumption for this is calculated in the code. for your largest value in the comments (rows = 30k, cols = 200k) this would amount to about 10GB, so it will still not run in your 8GB GPU.
    • I have created a version of this code which packs 8 elements per byte for the A matrix, which would further reduce memory demand, however writing this code to handle the case of arbitrary column dimensions (vs. multiples of 8) proves to be rather messy. However that code could get the total device memory consumption down to about 5GB for 30k rows and 200k columns case.

    Here is the one bit per element version, it has a requirement that the number of columns be whole-number divisible by 8:

    $ cat
    from numba import cuda, uint8, int32
    import numba
    import numpy as np
    import math
    import time
    TPB = 32
    TPB1 = 33
    def bit_A_AT(A, C):
        sA = cuda.shared.array((TPB, TPB), dtype=uint8)
        sB = cuda.shared.array((TPB, TPB1), dtype=uint8)
        x, y = cuda.grid(2)
        tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
        ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
        bx = cuda.blockIdx.x
        by = cuda.blockIdx.y
        tmp = int32(0)
        for i in range((A.shape[1]+TPB-1) // TPB):
            if y < A.shape[0] and (i*TPB+tx) < A.shape[1]:
                sA[ty, tx] = A[y, i*TPB+tx]
                sA[ty, tx] = 0
            if (TPB*bx+ty) < A.shape[0] and (i*TPB+tx) < A.shape[1]:
                sB[ty, tx] = A[TPB*bx+ty, i*TPB+tx]
                sB[ty, tx] = 0
            for j in range(TPB):
                tmp1 = sA[ty,j] & sB[tx, j]
                test = uint8(1)
                for k in range(8):
                    if (tmp1 & test) > 0:
                        tmp += 1
                    test <<= 1
        if y < C.shape[0] and x < C.shape[1]:
            C[y, x] = tmp
    colm = 131
    rows = 1041
    cols = int(colm*8)
    print('host mem: ', (rows*cols*2+rows*rows*4*2)//1048576, 'MB device mem: ', (((rows*cols)//8)+rows*rows*4)//1048576, 'MB')
    AU = np.random.randint(2,size=(rows, cols),dtype=np.int8)
    AUT = AU.transpose()
    CU = np.matmul(AU,AUT,dtype=np.int32)
    A = np.empty((rows,colm), dtype=np.uint8)
    for i in range(A.shape[0]):
        for j in range(A.shape[1]):
            A[i,j] = 0
            for k in range(8):
                if AU[i,(j*8)+k] == 1:
                    A[i,j] = A[i,j] | (1<<(7-k))
    C = np.empty((A.shape[0], A.shape[0]), dtype=np.int32)
    threads_per_block = (TPB, TPB)
    blocks_per_grid_x = int(math.ceil(A.shape[0] / threads_per_block[0]))
    blocks_per_grid_y = int(math.ceil(A.shape[0] / threads_per_block[1]))
    blocks_per_grid = (blocks_per_grid_x, blocks_per_grid_y)
    bit_A_AT[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](A, C)
    start_gpu_shared_memory = time.time()
    bit_A_AT[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](A, C)
    end_gpu_shared_memory = time.time()
    time_gpu_shared = end_gpu_shared_memory - start_gpu_shared_memory
    print("GPU time(shared memory):" + str(time_gpu_shared))
    test = np.array_equal(C, CU)
    if test == False:
        for i in range(C.shape[0]):
            for j in range(C.shape[1]):
                if C[i,j] != CU[i,j]:
                    print(i, ' ' , j ,' ' , C[i,j] , ' ' , CU[i,j])
    $ python
    host mem:  10 MB device mem:  4 MB
    GPU time(shared memory):0.009343624114990234

    EDIT: Responding to some questions in the comments, updates, and now taking into account that the A matrix may have significantly more than 30k rows, this will cause the C matrix to increase as well. If the A matrix can be fit in GPU memory, we can reduce the memory demand of the C matrix by computing it in pieces. These pieces will be a group of rows computed together, which I refer to as a row_slice of the C matrix. The following code demonstrates that this can be achieved with relatively minor changes to the code above:

    $ cat
    from numba import cuda, uint8, int32
    import numba as nb
    import numpy as np
    import math
    import time
    TPB = 32
    TPB1 = 33
    def bit_slice_A_AT(A, C, row_offset):
        sA = cuda.shared.array((TPB, TPB), dtype=uint8)
        sB = cuda.shared.array((TPB, TPB1), dtype=uint8)
        x, y = cuda.grid(2)
        tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
        ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
        bx = cuda.blockIdx.x
        by = cuda.blockIdx.y
        tmp = int32(0)
        for i in range((A.shape[1]+TPB-1) // TPB):
            if y+row_offset < A.shape[0] and (i*TPB+tx) < A.shape[1]:
                sA[ty, tx] = A[y+row_offset, i*TPB+tx]
                sA[ty, tx] = 0
            if (TPB*bx+ty) < A.shape[0] and (i*TPB+tx) < A.shape[1]:
                sB[ty, tx] = A[TPB*bx+ty, i*TPB+tx]
                sB[ty, tx] = 0
            for j in range(TPB):
                tmp1 = sA[ty,j] & sB[tx, j]
                test = uint8(1)
                for k in range(8):
                    if (tmp1 & test) > 0:
                        tmp += 1
                    test <<= 1
        if y < C.shape[0] and x < C.shape[1]:
            C[y, x] = tmp
    @nb.njit('void(uint8[:,:],int8[:,:])', parallel=True)
    def bitpack(A, AU):
        for i in nb.prange(A.shape[0]):
            for j in range(A.shape[1]):
                offset = j * 8
                res = AU[i,offset] << 7
                res |= AU[i,offset+1] << 6
                res |= AU[i,offset+2] << 5
                res |= AU[i,offset+3] << 4
                res |= AU[i,offset+4] << 3
                res |= AU[i,offset+5] << 2
                res |= AU[i,offset+6] << 1
                res |= AU[i,offset+7]
                A[i,j] = res
    colm = 131
    rows = 1535
    cols = int(colm*8)
    row_slice = 512
    print('host mem: ', (rows*cols*2+rows*rows*4*2)//1048576, 'MB device mem: ', (((rows*cols)//8)+row_slice*rows*4)//1048576, 'MB')
    AU = np.random.randint(2,size=(rows, cols),dtype=np.int8)
    CU = np.matmul(AU,AU.T,dtype=np.int32)
    A = np.empty((rows,colm), dtype=np.uint8)
    bitpack(A, AU)
    A_dev = cuda.to_device(A)
    threads_per_block = (TPB, TPB)
    C = np.empty((row_slice, A.shape[0]), dtype=np.int32)
    blocks_per_grid_x = int(math.ceil(A.shape[0] / threads_per_block[0]))
    blocks_per_grid_y = int(row_slice / threads_per_block[1])
    blocks_per_grid = (blocks_per_grid_x, blocks_per_grid_y)
    for i in range((A.shape[0]+row_slice-1)//row_slice):
        bit_slice_A_AT[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](A_dev, C, i*row_slice)
        lower = i*row_slice
        upper = min(lower+row_slice, CU.shape[0])
        width = upper-lower
        test = np.array_equal(C[:width,:], CU[i*row_slice:i*row_slice+width,:])
    C_dev = cuda.device_array_like(C)
    start_gpu_shared_memory = time.time()
    for i in range((A.shape[0]+row_slice-1)//row_slice):
        bit_slice_A_AT[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](A_dev, C_dev, i*row_slice)
    end_gpu_shared_memory = time.time()
    time_gpu_shared = end_gpu_shared_memory - start_gpu_shared_memory
    print("GPU time(shared memory):" + str(time_gpu_shared))
    $ python
    host mem:  21 MB device mem:  3 MB
    GPU time(shared memory):0.010116815567016602

    This means, as suggested, for the case of rows = 100k and columns = 200k as given in the latest update to the question, we should be able to divide the C matrix into chunks of say 5k rows. The memory usage for the A matrix would be 2.5GB, but for the C matrix, since we are only computing a 5k row slice at a time, the device memory storage required would be 100k*5k*4 bytes, so 2GB for this example.

    After some further study, we can speed up the host code matmul operation by switching from int8 datatype to float32 datatype. This makes that op quite a bit faster, but the GPU code still seems to ~4x faster than that:

    $ cat
    from numba import cuda, uint8, int32
    import numba as nb
    import numpy as np
    import math
    import time
    TPB = 32
    TPB1 = 33
    def bit_slice_A_AT(A, C, row_offset):
        sA = cuda.shared.array((TPB, TPB), dtype=uint8)
        sB = cuda.shared.array((TPB, TPB1), dtype=uint8)
        x, y = cuda.grid(2)
        tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
        ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
        bx = cuda.blockIdx.x
        by = cuda.blockIdx.y
        tmp = int32(0)
        for i in range((A.shape[1]+TPB-1) // TPB):
            if y+row_offset < A.shape[0] and (i*TPB+tx) < A.shape[1]:
                sA[ty, tx] = A[y+row_offset, i*TPB+tx]
                sA[ty, tx] = 0
            if (TPB*bx+ty) < A.shape[0] and (i*TPB+tx) < A.shape[1]:
                sB[ty, tx] = A[TPB*bx+ty, i*TPB+tx]
                sB[ty, tx] = 0
            for j in range(TPB):
                tmp1 = sA[ty,j] & sB[tx, j]
                test = uint8(1)
                for k in range(8):
                    if (tmp1 & test) > 0:
                        tmp += 1
                    test <<= 1
        if y < C.shape[0] and x < C.shape[1]:
            C[y, x] = tmp
    @nb.njit('void(uint8[:,:],float32[:,:])', parallel=True)
    def bitpack(A, AU):
        for i in nb.prange(A.shape[0]):
            for j in range(A.shape[1]):
                offset = j * 8
                res = int(AU[i,offset]) << 7
                res |= int(AU[i,offset+1]) << 6
                res |= int(AU[i,offset+2]) << 5
                res |= int(AU[i,offset+3]) << 4
                res |= int(AU[i,offset+4]) << 3
                res |= int(AU[i,offset+5]) << 2
                res |= int(AU[i,offset+6]) << 1
                res |= int(AU[i,offset+7])
                A[i,j] = res
    colm = 1000
    rows = 6000
    cols = int(colm*8)
    row_slice = 512
    print('host mem: ', (rows*cols*4+rows*colm+rows*rows*4+rows*row_slice*4)//1048576, 'MB device mem: ', (((rows*cols)//8)+row_slice*rows*4)//1048576, 'MB')
    t1 = time.time()
    AU = np.random.randint(2,size=(rows, cols),dtype=np.int8)
    AU = AU.astype(np.float32)
    print("randint:" + str(time.time()-t1))
    t1 = time.time()
    #CU = np.empty((rows, rows), dtype=np.int32)
    CU = np.matmul(AU,AU.T,dtype=np.float32)
    print("matmul:" + str(time.time()-t1))
    t1 = time.time()
    A = np.empty((rows,colm), dtype=np.uint8)
    print("np.empty:" + str(time.time()-t1))
    t1 = time.time()
    bitpack(A, AU)
    print("bitpack:" + str(time.time()-t1))
    t1 = time.time()
    A_dev = cuda.to_device(A)
    threads_per_block = (TPB, TPB)
    C = np.empty((row_slice, A.shape[0]), dtype=np.int32)
    blocks_per_grid_x = int(math.ceil(A.shape[0] / threads_per_block[0]))
    blocks_per_grid_y = int(row_slice / threads_per_block[1])
    blocks_per_grid = (blocks_per_grid_x, blocks_per_grid_y)
    for i in range((A.shape[0]+row_slice-1)//row_slice):
        bit_slice_A_AT[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](A_dev, C, i*row_slice)
        lower = i*row_slice
        upper = min(lower+row_slice, CU.shape[0])
        width = upper-lower
        test = np.array_equal(C[:width,:], CU[i*row_slice:i*row_slice+width,:])
    C_dev = cuda.device_array_like(C)
    start_gpu_shared_memory = time.time()
    for i in range((A.shape[0]+row_slice-1)//row_slice):
        bit_slice_A_AT[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](A_dev, C_dev, i*row_slice)
    end_gpu_shared_memory = time.time()
    time_gpu_shared = end_gpu_shared_memory - start_gpu_shared_memory
    print("GPU time(shared memory):" + str(time_gpu_shared))
    $ python
    host mem:  337 MB device mem:  17 MB
    GPU time(shared memory):0.8318064212799072

    I haven't thoroughly tested these codes. Bugs may exist. Use at your own risk.

    For attribution, the numba bit-packing code seems to have come from here.