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In R, how can I align output of my own function like this?

enter image description here

in R, I want to make function that when input is c() of number show mean, var, min ,max of it. But how can I align the output just like picture WITHOUT using summary() ?

is there any function which print like that?? EXCEPT summary()


  • If we want to get the summary of selected statistics, use lapply to loop over the list and get those output based on an if/else condition

    lapply(iris, function(x) if(is.numeric(x)) 
       c(mean = mean(x), var = var(x), max = max(x), min = min(x)) else table(x))


    #     mean       var       max     min      
    #5.8433333 0.6856935 7.9000000 4.3000000 
    #     mean       var       max       min    
    #3.0573333 0.1899794 4.4000000 2.0000000 
    #    mean      var      max     min     
    #3.758000 3.116278 6.900000 1.000000 
    #     mean       var       max      min     
    #1.1993333 0.5810063 2.5000000 0.1000000 
    #    setosa versicolor  virginica 
    #        50         50         50 

    It can be wrapped into a function

    summary_fun <- function(dat) {
     lapply(dat, function(x)
         if(is.numeric(x)) {
       c(mean = mean(x), var = var(x), max = max(x), min = min(x))
       } else if(is.character(x)|is.factor(x)) {
        } else NA

    and then call
