Please note I am using daterangepicker : ( I had a problem that input all time is over all items (like boostrap Modal or menu )
<div class="col-md-3 form-group">
<div class="picker-carte" style="position:relative;">
<label for="datePicker" class=" control-label">Select date :</label>
<input type="text" name="datePicker" class="form-control daterangepicker" value="{{$start_date}} - {{$end_date}}" data-start="{{$start_date}}" data-end="{{$end_date}}">
I tried :
or the add to class picker-carte:
.picker-carte {
z-index: 0 !important;
it is seems they give to class daterangepicker a x-index = 3001
I used the below css and it fixed .
.daterangepicker {
z-index: 0!important;