I have this code in VBA and require it to show 'Final Bottling' in another sheet. Below is the code
Ip = input worksheet
op1 = Checks worksheet
i = 1
Cell = Ip.Cells(9, i + 2)
If LCase(Left(Cell, 14)) = "final bottling" Then
'#Checks Final Bottling
Op1.Cells(8, 5) = "Final Bottling Run, Please Consume materials. If unsure, check with materials planner!"
Op1.Cells(8, 5) = ""
End If 'Check
The message appears if all comments in the range C9:H9 have the comment 'Final bottling'. But if only one of the cells in that range has the comment it wont appear anymore. Not sure what to do now, apologies if this sounds dumb and must be an easy fix
This will show the message if any of the cell in C9:H9 in Ip has "Final bottling"
Sub Test()
Dim i As Long
Dim checkCell As Range
Set checkCell = op1.Cells(8, 5)
For i = 3 To 8
Debug.Print LCase(Left$(Ip.Cells(9, i).Value, 14))
If LCase(Left$(Ip.Cells(9, i).Value, 14)) = "final bottling" Then
checkCell.Value = "Final Bottling Run, Please Consume materials. If unsure, check with materials planner!"
Exit Sub 'Check is complete, exit sub from here
End If
Next i
checkCell.Value = vbNullString 'code will only pass here if it fails all the check in the loop above.
End Sub