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Move to nextView on button click based on condition, swiftUI

I've read a lot here about navigation in SwiftUI and tried a couple of things, but nothing is working as desired.

I am developing a watch app in which I have to use two TextField. I only want to move on next screen when both field are not empty. Here is my code.

Set Timer Screen

@State var movetoNextScreen: Int? = nil

NavigationLink(destination: WaterTemprature(), tag: 1,
               selection: $movetoNextScreen) {
    ZStack {
            .font(.system(size: 12, weight: .semibold))
            .frame(alignment: .center)
        Button(action: nextBtnPressed) {
            if !check_minute_and_seconds_are_empty() {
//                        move to next screen.
                movetoNextScreen = 1


But when I pressed the navigation link, Button action did not call and control move to next screen. So I want to find any method that can first check the textfields and then move to next view.


  • Try in opposite direction - put button in front (with needed redesign) and place link in background with programmatic activation, like

        Button(action:  {
            if !check_minute_and_seconds_are_empty() {
                movetoNextScreen = 1       // << activate link
        }) {
            .font(.system(size: 12, weight: .semibold))
            .frame(alignment: .center)
           NavigationLink(destination: WaterTemprature(), tag: 1,
              selection: $movetoNextScreen) { EmptyView() }