I have a dataframe of daily water chemistry values taken from deployed sensors. I’m trying to calculate rolling 7 day averages of daily maximum values. This in in-situ environmental data, the data can be a bit messy.
Here are the rules for calculating the averages and assigning quality levels:
I have the code working using a loop that loops through each result, creates a new dataframe containing the 7 day window, and then calculates the moving average. See minimal example below.
Note that there are missing dates for the 11th, 16th, 17th, and 18th in this example:
daily_data <- tibble::tribble(
~Monitoring.Location.ID, ~date, ~dyMax, ~dyMin, ~dyDQL,
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-01"), 24.219, 22.537, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-02"), 24.557, 20.388, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-03"), 24.847, 20.126, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-04"), 25.283, 20.674, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-05"), 25.501, 20.865, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-06"), 25.04, 21.008, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-07"), 24.847, 20.674, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-08"), 23.424, 20.793, "B",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-09"), 22.657, 18.866, "E",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-10"), 22.298, 18.2, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-12"), 22.92, 19.008, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-13"), 23.978, 19.532, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-14"), 24.508, 19.936, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-15"), 25.137, 20.627, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-19"), 24.919, 20.674, "A"
for (l in seq_len(nrow(daily_data))){
station_7day <- filter(daily_data,
dplyr::between(date, daily_data[[l,'date']] - lubridate::days(6), daily_data[l,'date']))
daily_data[l,"ma.max7"] <- dplyr::case_when(nrow(subset(station_7day, dyDQL %in% c("A")))== 7 & l >=7 ~ mean(station_7day$dyMax),
nrow(subset(station_7day, dyDQL %in% c("A", 'B'))) >= 6 & l >=7~ mean(station_7day$dyMax),
max(station_7day$dyDQL == 'E') & nrow(subset(station_7day, dyDQL %in% c("A", "B"))) >= 6 & l >=7 ~ mean(station_7day$dyMax[station_7day$dyDQL %in% c("A", "B")]),
nrow(subset(station_7day, dyDQL %in% c("A", "B", "E"))) >= 6 & l >=7~ mean(station_7day$dyMax),
TRUE ~ NA_real_)
daily_data[l, "ma.max7_DQL"] <- dplyr::case_when(nrow(subset(station_7day, dyDQL %in% c("A")))== 7 & l >=7 ~ "A",
nrow(subset(station_7day, dyDQL %in% c("A", 'B'))) >= 6 & l >=7~ "B",
max(station_7day$dyDQL == 'E') & nrow(subset(station_7day, dyDQL %in% c("A", "B"))) >= 6 & l >=7 ~ "B",
nrow(subset(station_7day, dyDQL %in% c("A", "B", "E"))) >= 6 & l >=7~ "E",
TRUE ~ NA_character_)
The expected results are:
~Monitoring.Location.ID, ~date, ~dyMax, ~dyMin, ~dyDQL, ~ma.max7, ~ma.max7_DQL,
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-01"), 24.219, 22.537, "A", NA, NA,
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-02"), 24.557, 20.388, "A", NA, NA,
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-03"), 24.847, 20.126, "A", NA, NA,
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-04"), 25.283, 20.674, "A", NA, NA,
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-05"), 25.501, 20.865, "A", NA, NA,
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-06"), 25.04, 21.008, "A", NA, NA,
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-07"), 24.847, 20.674, "A", 24.8991428571429, "A",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-08"), 23.424, 20.793, "B", 24.7855714285714, "B",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-09"), 22.657, 18.866, "E", 24.5141428571429, "B",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-10"), 22.298, 18.2, "A", 24.15, "B",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-12"), 22.92, 19.008, "A", 23.531, "E",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-13"), 23.978, 19.532, "A", 23.354, "E",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-14"), 24.508, 19.936, "A", 23.2975, "E",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-15"), 25.137, 20.627, "A", 23.583, "E",
"River 1", as.Date("2018-07-19"), 24.919, 20.674, "A", NA, NA
The code works fine, but is very slow when calculating values for multi-year levels of data with multiple different water quality parameters at multiple locations.
Due to the fact that a 7 day value can be calculated from 6 days of data, I don’t think I can use any of the rolling functions from the zoo package. I don’t think I can use the roll_mean function from the roll package, due to the variable nature of discarding 1 days worth of ‘E’ data when there is 6 days of ‘A’ or ‘B’ data.
Is there way to vectorize this, in order to avoid looping through every row of data?
I used tidyverse
and runner
and have done it like this in a single piped syntax. Syntax explanation-
to modify each list according to given conditions,
in 7 values, that has not to be counted.unnest_wider
daily_data %>% mutate(dyDQL = factor(dyDQL, levels = c("A", "B", "E"), ordered = T),
d = runner(x = data.frame(a = dyMax, b= dyDQL),
k = "7 days",
lag = 0,
idx = date,
f = function(x) list(x))) %>%
mutate(d = map(d, ~ .x %>% group_by(b) %>%
mutate(c = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(!n() < 6) %>%
filter(!(b == 'E' & c == 1 & n() == 7)) %>%
summarise(ma.max7 = ifelse(n() == 0, NA, mean(a)), ma.max7.DQL = max(b))
) %>%
# A tibble: 15 x 7
Monitoring.Location.ID date dyMax dyMin dyDQL ma.max7 ma.max7.DQL
<chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <ord> <dbl> <ord>
1 River 1 2018-07-01 24.2 22.5 A NA NA
2 River 1 2018-07-02 24.6 20.4 A NA NA
3 River 1 2018-07-03 24.8 20.1 A NA NA
4 River 1 2018-07-04 25.3 20.7 A NA NA
5 River 1 2018-07-05 25.5 20.9 A NA NA
6 River 1 2018-07-06 25.0 21.0 A 24.9 A
7 River 1 2018-07-07 24.8 20.7 A 24.9 A
8 River 1 2018-07-08 23.4 20.8 B 24.8 B
9 River 1 2018-07-09 22.7 18.9 E 24.8 B
10 River 1 2018-07-10 22.3 18.2 A 24.4 B
11 River 1 2018-07-12 22.9 19.0 A 23.5 E
12 River 1 2018-07-13 24.0 19.5 A 23.4 E
13 River 1 2018-07-14 24.5 19.9 A 23.3 E
14 River 1 2018-07-15 25.1 20.6 A 23.6 E
15 River 1 2018-07-19 24.9 20.7 A NA NA