My problem is why the s += t.getM()[0]; in the example code raise
main.cpp:44:20: error: passing ‘const std::map >’ as ‘this’ argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]
I checked the cppreference and it says both return a reference.
In addition, why both operator[] and .at() work for std::vector?
Example code is here.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class test {
test(string str) {
mp[0] = str;
const vector<string>& getV() const {
return vec;
const map<int, string>& getM() const {
return mp;
vector<string> vec;
map<int, string> mp;
int main()
string s;
test t("hello ");
s += t.getV().at(0);
s += t.getV()[0];
s += t.getM().at(0);
s += t.getM()[0];
cout << s;
only works for a non-const
. The documentation on std::map::operator[]
explains this pretty well. Here's an excerpt from the beginning of the page:
Returns a reference to the value that is mapped to a key equivalent to key, performing an insertion if such key does not already exist.
As you can see, if the key doesn't exist, it inserts a new key/value pair into the map. Obviously, this wouldn't work for const
maps because you can't insert elements into them since they're immutable. Why there isn't a const
overload for the operator that will not create a new value, I don't know. But that's just how it is.
, however doesn't work exactly like std::map::operator[]
. Again, an excerpt from the documentation of std::map::at()
Returns a reference to the mapped value of the element with key equivalent to key. If no such element exists, an exception of type
is thrown.
Furthermore, the function has a const
overload too: const T& at(const Key& key) const;
So it can work for const
In addition, why both operator[] and .at() work for std::vector?
Because std::vector::operator[]
and std::vector::at()
work very similarly, except std::vector::at()
does bounds checking while std::vector::operator[]
doesn't. Neither will create a new value (because that's just not how vectors work) and both have const
overloads. In fact, the documentation for std::vector::operator[]
even addresses the difference between it and std::map::operator[]
, this operator never inserts a new element into the container. Accessing a nonexistent element through this operator is undefined behavior.
(It's undefined behavior because, as I previously mentioned, operator[]
does no bounds checking.)