I'm new to ReactiveX and have been trying to build a "CS:Go bomb explosion notifier" program using RxJS.
I have the following so far:
// TimeSubject is the current heartbeat of the game (i.e. current client time),
// it is not emitted every 1 second (it will be emitted at least once every 30
// seconds and also whenever any other game event occurs)
// RoundSubject stores information about the current and previous round state
combineLatest([TimeSubject, RoundSubject])
// detect when the bomb is planted
filter(([_, { current }]) => current.bomb === 'planted'),
// create a timer object to keep track of the time until explosion
map(([time, _]) => ({ plantTime: time, explosionTime: time + 40, currentTime: time })),
// ignore other "bomb planted" events for the next 50 seconds
throttleTime(50 * 1000),
// count down until bomb is exploded
// problem: RoundSubject can emit an event indicating the bomb got defused
// or the round ended before the bomb got to explode,
// but how do I catch that since I am throttling the events from that channel?
expand(({ plantTime, explosionTime, currentTime }) =>
explosionTime > currentTime
? of(({ plantTime, explosionTime, currentTime: currentTime + 1 }))
).subscribe(({ plantTime, explosionTime, currentTime }) => {
if (plantTime === currentTime)
console.log('Bomb planted and will explode in 40 seconds!');
else if (explosionTime >= currentTime) {
const secondsToExplode = explosionTime - currentTime;
console.log(`.. explodes in: ${secondsToExplode} seconds`);
The problem here is that RoundSubject
can emit an event like RoundEnded
or Defused
, which in either case should cancel the timer.
At the moment I don't know enough about the available operators to see how I can fix this in a good way. Additionally, I feel that my code is quite convoluted with the expand
, so if you know a better approach, let me know :-).
By far the biggest pitfall in writing code with RxJS is writing observables with 5+ operators in a single pipe. It's very easy to lose the plot.
Don't be afraid to create multiple named streams; things will read much more naturally.
// This creates a stream that emits every time the bomb's status changes to the
// provided value.
const bombChangedStatusTo = (status) =>
filter((bombStatus) => bombStatus === status)
const bombPlanted$ = bombChangedStatusTo('planted');
const bombDefused$ = bombChangedStatusTo('defused');
The other answer is correct, expand
is overkill here. Assuming we know the start time, the countdown can be as simple as mapping over the values emitted by some interval (see the last section for why we don't actually need plantTime
// we use share() since we'll subscribe to this more than once, it
// ensures that we're subscribing to the exact same interval each time
const clockInterval$ = interval(1000).pipe(
startWith(null), // emit immediately instead of after 1s
map(() => Math.floor(Date.now()/1000)),
const countDown = (startTime) =>
map((currentTime) => ({
explosionTime: startTime + 40,
({ currentTime, explosionTime }) => currentTime < explosionTime,
true // include the emission that triggered completion
Here we use exhaustMap
to ensure that only one timer will be run per "bomb
planted" event (see the
docs). No need to
use throttleTime
, which would give us two timers counting to 40 instead of just
const bombClock$ = bombPlanted$.pipe(
withLatestFrom(clockInterval$), // <-- reusing the shared clock
exhaustMap(([_, plantTime]) =>
takeUntil(bombDefused$) // stop the timer if the bomb is defused
If we trigger the "bomb was planted" side effect using bombPlanted$
, we no
longer need to pass around plantTime
as a property on the bombClock$
bombPlanted$.subscribe(() => {
console.log('Bomb planted and will explode in 40 seconds!');
bombClock$.subscribe(({ explosionTime, currentTime }) => {
if (explosionTime >= currentTime) {
const secondsToExplode = explosionTime - currentTime;
console.log(`.. explodes in: ${secondsToExplode} seconds`);
} else {
console.log('The bomb has exploded');