I have following table abstracting some scenarios and their steps ordered by START_DATE "desc".
128 | 44 | 20xx04x4 | 0 | 120 | 44 |
120 | 44 | 20xx03x3 | 20xx04x4 | 120 | 38 |
120 | 38 | 20xx11x0 | 20xx03x3 | 121 | 38 |
121 | 38 | 20xx07x2 | 20xx11x0 | 120 | 44 |
120 | 44 | 20xx07x1 | 20xx07x2 | 120 | 38 |
I need to get first scenario_key (or another identifier) after last change to step with value 44 (step_key = 44).
So the result of this query should be some identifier of the last change - START_DATE of the first row with value 44 after last change (20xx03x3) or SCENARIO_KEY after last change (120).
In short, I need to be able to identify the line of last change to "44" step key.
Is there any analytical function (or another query) to achieve this? Can you advice?
Hmmm . . . you can get the earliest 44 date after the last non-44 date using:
select min(start_date)
from t
where t.start_date > (select max(t2.start_date)
from t t2
where t2.step_key <> 44
I think this is what you are asking for.
You can use window functions too. Assuming that the most recent row is "44":
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (order by start_date) as seqnum,
row_number() over (partition by step_key order by start_date) as seqnum_sk
from t
) t
where step_key = 44 and seqnum = seqnum_sk
order by start_date
fetch first 1 row only;