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Multiple Commands Within a Lisp Routine

Please help me with a small issue.

I have the following .lsp and it needs to be slightly updated, but i can't seem to find a solution yet. I want it to zoom extents and then select all texts with colour 7 and run TTT command (this is a custom function that exports selected text in an Excel sheet).

In my testing, it stops before selecting the text and ask me to select the desired text. I assume it's a problem with the ssget function.

(defun C:123 (/ SS)
  (command "_.Zoom" "E")
  (if (setq ss (ssget "X" '((0 . "*TEXT")(62 . 7))))

Any help will be highly appreciated.


  • The successful operation of your program will be dependent on the definition of the c:ttt function, specifically whether or not this function has been written to accept an implied selection.

    Ideally, the c:ttt function would be restructured as a function accepting a single selection set parameter, such that you could evaluate the function and pass your ss selection set variable.

    However, without knowledge of the definition of the c:ttt function, the best that I could suggest would be to provide an implied selection in the following manner:

    (defun c:123 ( / ss )
        (command "_.zoom" "_e")
            (setq ss
                (ssget "_X"
                       '(0 . "TEXT")
                       '(62 . 7)
                        (if (= 1 (getvar 'cvport))
                            (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab))
                           '(410 . "Model")
                (sssetfirst nil ss)
            (princ "\nNo single-line text with object colour set to white found in the current layout/viewport.")

    You will note that I have also revised the selection criteria for your ssget expression to only consider white single-line text residing in the current viewport/layout to ensure that the implied selection operates as expected.

    EDIT: I would suggest the following revision to your code:

    (defun c:123 ( / s )
        (command "_.zoom" "_e")
        (if (setq s (ssget "_X" '((0 . "TEXT") (62 . 7))))
            (ttt s)
            (princ "\nNo single-line text found with object colour set to white.")
    (defun c:ttt ( / s )
        (if (setq s (ssget '((0 . "TEXT")))) (ttt s))
    (defun ttt ( sel / des fnm idx )
            (and sel
                (setq fnm (vl-filename-mktemp nil nil ".csv"))
                (setq des (open fnm "w"))
                (repeat (setq idx (sslength sel))
                    (setq idx (1- idx))
                    (write-line (LM:csv-addquotes (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (ssname sel idx)))) ",") des)
                (close des)
                (startapp "explorer" fnm)
    (defun LM:csv-addquotes ( str sep / pos )
            (   (wcmatch str (strcat "*[`" sep "\"]*"))
                (setq pos 0)    
                (while (setq pos (vl-string-position 34 str pos))
                    (setq str (vl-string-subst "\"\"" "\"" str pos)
                          pos (+ pos 2)
                (strcat "\"" str "\"")
            (   str   )

    Here, I have defined a new function ttt accepting a selection set argument comprised of single-line text objects, and successively writing the content of each text object in the set to a temporary CSV file (though, this could ultimately be any text format file, since only one column is used).

    The new function is then evaluated by your c:ttt function and c:123 function - the former prompting for a selection per your existing command, and the latter automatically processing all white text found in the drawing.