As the title says, I am having some trouble with AVAssetWriter and memory.
Some notes about my environment/requirements:
This is the code used when taking the screenshots below
Most of the things that seem to take up a lot of memory throughout the processing seems to be allocated in the beginning.
So at this point it doesn't seem to me that the issues are with my code. The code that I personally have control over seems to not be an issue, namely loading the images, creating the buffer, releasing it all seems to not be where the memory has a problem. For example if I mark in Instruments the majority of the time after the one above, the memory is stable and none of the memory is kept around.
The only reason for the persistent 5mb is that it is deallocated just after the marking period ends.
I actually started writing this question with the focus being on wether my code was releasing things correctly or not, but now it seems like that is fine. So what are my options now?
In the documentation of CVPixelBufferCreate Apple states:
If you need to create and release a number of pixel buffers, you should instead use a pixel buffer pool (see CVPixelBufferPool) for efficient reuse of pixel buffer memory.
I have tried with this as well, but I saw no changes in the memory usage. Changing the attributes for the pool didn't seem to have any effect as well, so there is a small possibility that I am not actually using it 100% properly, although from comparing to code online it seems like I am, at least. And the output file works.
The code for that, is here
And here is a slightly different version where I set up the pool in a slightly different way
So I looked a bit deeper into a trace, to figure out when/where the majority of the allocations are coming from. Here is an annotated image of that:
The takeaway is:
I have the .trace file uploaded here:
While I have not yet found the actual issue, the memory problem I described in this question was solved by simply doing it on the actual device instead of the simulator.