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How to set checkbox to true with Trigger when related objects are created

enter image description here This is relation between two obj. I want to code a trigger which makes Enrolled field from false to true (unchecked to checked) when Student is created with College record.


  • You don't need code for this. A formula field of type Checkbox and value !ISBLANK(College__c) would be enough.

    Or workflow field update / flow / process builder with condition ISNEW() || ISCHANGED(College__c) and action Enrolled = College not equal to blank

    If you're sure it needs code - this is decent start (but ideally you'd move logic to helper class, don't keep it straight in trigger)

    trigger StudentTrigger on Student__c (before insert, before update){
        for(Student__c s :{
            s.Enrolled__c = s.College__c != null;