Trying to build Alamofire, but get a error Identifier Name Violation: Variable name should start with a lowercase character: 'W' (identifier_name)
in this function
var readableDescription: String {
let W = isCellular ? "W" : "-"
let R = isReachable ? "R" : "-"
let c = isConnectionRequired ? "c" : "-"
let t = contains(.transientConnection) ? "t" : "-"
let i = contains(.interventionRequired) ? "i" : "-"
let C = contains(.connectionOnTraffic) ? "C" : "-"
let D = contains(.connectionOnDemand) ? "D" : "-"
let l = contains(.isLocalAddress) ? "l" : "-"
let d = contains(.isDirect) ? "d" : "-"
let a = contains(.connectionAutomatic) ? "a" : "-"
return "\(W)\(R) \(c)\(t)\(i)\(C)\(D)\(l)\(d)\(a)"
and few this error Type Name Violation: Type name should only contain alphanumeric characters: '_URLEncodedFormEncoder' (type_name)
in name final class _URLEncodedFormEncoder
maybe i something disable in project ? before i didnt saw this errors
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excluded: # paths to ignore during linting. Takes precedence over `included`.
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