Good morning.
I am having trouble understanding past topics. I am a new user with minimal understanding.
My file path that I would like to remove all leading zeros from the file names in it is this.
CD Documents\Attachments
Basically what I want to do is copy paste that file path into Powershell then copy paste a command to remove all leading zeroes from the file names in that folder.
and example of the file name would be 0123456789xxxxxxxxxx (length and characters vary)
I would like 123456789xxxxxx
Any help is greatly appreciated.
As Lee_Dailey comments, you can use the TrimStart()
method to trim leading characters off a string:
# Change location to the folder
cd Documents\Attachments
# Discover all the files in the current folder with leading 0s in their name
$files = Get-ChildItem -File -Filter 0*
# Use `Rename-Item` with `TrimStart` to rename the files to the appropriate name without the leading 0s
$files |Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name.TrimStart('0') }