I'm trying to learn how to use Oracle Container database, and just do basic JDBC connections. I installed a dockerised version of Oracle:
Which according to the data sheet comes set up with a CDB database called ORCLCDB and a PDB database called ORCLPDB1.
So I figured out I can connect to it like this:
with username sys, password Oradoc_db1, and setting the special internal_logon jdbc parameter equal to "sysdba" to avoid the error "local oracle CDB: ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER"
And I figured out I can switch to the PDB by entering this:
And I can then create a new user:
But then I'm stuck. I think there should be some way to connect directly to the PDB using a JDBC connect string. Every time I google about this, it talks about tnsnames blah blah, but people who use JDBC connections, are typically using Tomcat on a server, or otherwise don't have the Oracle Client installed. They expect to be able to connect to Oracle just with the thin driver installed, nothing else.
I've tried the obvious using:
jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1555:ORCLPDB1 with username myuser or sys, but I always get:
ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor
At this point I'm stuck.
You need to use a SERVICE_NAME in order to connect to an Oracle container database
Please alter your connect string like this:
Note! Default listener port is 1521, not sure why you specifically want a different port.
Best of luck!