Need function like bitget
, but for any base.
Would be nice to have as well:
Implementaion for Matlab
(for Octave
will work as well, but I recommend the 2nd option):
% Anonymous function digget
% dig = digget(dec, base, pos)
% dig - returns the value of the digits in positions (pos) for numbers (dec)
% coverted to the defined base (for base=2 behaves similar to bitget)
% dec - initial decimal numbers vector
% base - base to convert (for binary base = 2 )
% pos - array of positions
% if pos = [(ceil( log2(max(dec(:)))/log2(base)) ):-1:1]
% behaves similar as dec2base function
% Examples:
% dig = digget(1:8, 2, 2:-1:1)
% dig =
% 0 1
% 1 0
% 1 1
% 0 0
% 0 1
% 1 0
% 1 1
% 0 0
% dig = digget(8:15, 13, 3:-1:1)
% dig =
% 0 0 8
% 0 0 9
% 0 0 10
% 0 0 11
% 0 0 12
% 0 1 0
% 0 1 1
% 0 1 2
digget = @(dec,base,pbit) sum(rem(dec(:),base.*pbit)>= permute((1:base-1)'*pbit,[3,2,1]),3);
digget = @(dec,base, bit) digget(dec,base,base.^(bit-1));
Implementaion for Octave
as far as Octave supports default values for inline function, it completely covered by de2bs
function (see 2nd option)