I'm trying to make a filter to transform some features of org-mode to GitLab-markdown (not supported by Pandoc out of the box), in particular, the math blocks.
The filter should work when transforming to markdown
, but instead of giving the markdown format for the math blocks (enclosed by $$...$$
), it should write the blocks as
``` math
a + b = c
The preces I have now is
In org-mode, the math blocks are simply the latex code:
a + b = c
this is parsed as a pandoc AST RawBlock
with format latex
. I then remove the first (\begin{equation}
) an last line (\end{equation}
), and construct a pandoc CodeBlock
with atrributes {"math"}
, so the CodeBlock
object displays in AST as
CodeBlock ("",["math"],[]) "a + b = c\n"
and then I let Pandoc create the markdown document, and the written result is
``` {.math}
a + b = c
The question:
I want the bare math
, not {.math}
written, without the use of CLI options.
I am aware that this can be done setting the Writer extension fenced_code_attributes
to false (eg. $pandoc -w markdown-fenced_code_attributes ...
), but I would much prefer this done inside the filter.
Or is it possible to set the extensions inside the filter?
Here is my atempted lua-filter:
function split(str,pat)
local tbl = {}
str:gsub(pat, function(x) tbl[#tbl+1]=x end)
return tbl
function RawBlock(rb)
if rb.format == "latex" then
local text = rb.text
split_text = split(text, "[^\n]*")
if split_text[1] == '\\begin{equation}' and split_text[#split_text-1] == '\\end{equation}' then
table.remove(split_text, #split_text-1)
table.remove(split_text, 1)
text = table.concat(split_text, "\n")
local cb = pandoc.CodeBlock()
cb.attr = {"",{"math"}}
cb.text = text
return cb
You could take full control of the output by creating the desired block yourself.
E.g., instead of local cb = pandoc.CodeBlock()
ff., you could write
return pandoc.RawBlock('markdown',
string.format('``` math\n%s\n```\n', text)
So you'd basically be creating the Markdown yourself, which is relatively safe in the case of code blocks (assuming that the math doesn't contain ```
, which would be very unusual).
As for the original question: enabling extensions or options in the filter is currently not possible.