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The PersonGroup - Create Operation under Face API - V1.0 API is not supported with the current subscription key and pricing tier

I have tried to use the Face API with Azure, and have tied the API call to a subscription with both the F0 and S1 pricing tier, but I keep getting this error :(

"The PersonGroup - Create Operation under Face API - V1.0 API is not supported with the current subscription key and pricing tier ComputerVision"

I have tried with POSTMAN and Microsoft Flow. Does anyone know what tier I in fact have to use in order to actually create a person group? If I can't do this step, I can't do anything else as it all relies on having a group to attribute a person to.


  • I'm using MSLEARN myself and finally found the solution: despite the statement from MS that an overarching CognitiveService resource group can be used, it MUST be a Face instance. Then it's working, and regardless of the pricing tier (F0 or S0).