I am trying to learn Python following the tutorial from Programming with Mosh.
I have created a program that starts up and greets me and then asks me to select an item on a list. Each list item is a "sub-program" that the tutorial covers. So I have two sub-programs in my program:
The problem I am facing is that my chat translator runs into a syntax error in the dictionary. This is where the error happens, at the first quotation mark in line 2 of the dictionary:
C:\Users\smelt\PycharmProjects\HelloWorld\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:/Users/smelt/PycharmProjects/HelloWorld/venv/app.py
File "C:\Users\smelt\PycharmProjects\HelloWorld\venv\app.py", line 41
":(": emoji.emojize(":frowning_face:")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Part of the code the error happens in:
def emoji_converter(message):
words = message.split(" ")
emojis = {
":)": emoji.emojize(":smiling_face:"),
":(": emoji.emojize(":frowning_face:")
output = ""
for word in words:
output += emojis.get(word, word) + " "
return output
This is my entire code:
first_name = "Henrik"
last_name = "Skaaning"
program_on = True
calculator_on = False
emoji_converter_on = False
def greet_user(first_name, last_name):
# Standard greeting to user
print(f"""Hi {first_name} {last_name}!
Welcome back!
if program_on:
while program_on:
greet_user(first_name, last_name)
selection = input(f"""This is Training program for Henrik Skaaning.
please enter a number to select a program to run
1: Emoji converter
2: Square calculator
enter "quit" to quit program...
selection> """)
if selection == "1":
emoji_converter_on = True
print(f'Emoji converter on')
while emoji_converter_on:
import emoji
def emoji_converter(message):
words = message.split(" ")
emojis = {
":)": emoji.emojize(":smiling_face:"),
":(": emoji.emojize(":frowning_face:")
output = ""
for word in words:
output += emojis.get(word, word) + " "
return output
message = input("message> ")
if message != "help":
if message != "quit":
if message == "help":
print(f"""This is a simple emoji converter developed by Henrik Skaaning.
Type a text in the command line with an emoji to return the text and emoji.
Type "help" in the command line to return the help-menu.
Type "quit" in the command line to quit the application. """)
if message == "quit":
emoji_converter_on = False
print(f'Emoji converter shutting off')
if selection == "2":
calculator_on = True
print(f'Square calculator on')
while calculator_on:
def square(number):
return int(number) * int(number)
number = input("commandline> ")
if number == "quit":
program_on = False
calculator_on = False
if number != "quit":
if number != "help":
if number.isnumeric() != True:
print(f"Sorry! That isnt a command i understand")
if number == "help":
print(f"""This is a simple square calculator developed by Henrik Skaaning.
Type a number in the command line to return the square of that number
Type "help" in the command line to return the help-menu.
Type "quit" in the command line to quit the application. """)
if number.isnumeric():
result = square(number)
print(f' The result is {result}')
if program_on == False:
print(f'Program shut down')
While it is possible to define a function within another function, and sometimes using a closure makes things easier, this code has a really long mainline with a function defined within a while loop. This code would be better and easier to understand if it was written with the functions separated. Otherwise, as you now know, it can be hard to debug.
The actual problem is that you have confused the syntax for a Python dict
and JSON. A dict
requires symbol / value pairs, while JSON requires string / value pairs.
Below is a reorganized program for you. The bug was not corrected.
first_name = "Henrik"
last_name = "Skaaning"
program_on = True
calculator_on = False
emoji_converter_on = False
def emoji_converter(message):
words = message.split(" ")
emojis = {
":)": emoji.emojize(":smiling_face:"),
":(": emoji.emojize(":frowning_face:")
output = ""
for word in words:
output += emojis.get(word, word) + " "
return output
def greet_user(first_name, last_name):
# Standard greeting to user
print(f"""Hi {first_name} {last_name}!
Welcome back!
if program_on:
while program_on:
greet_user(first_name, last_name)
selection = input(f"""This is Training program for Henrik Skaaning.
please enter a number to select a program to run
1: Emoji converter
2: Square calculator
enter "quit" to quit program...
selection> """)
if selection == "1":
emoji_converter_on = True
print(f'Emoji converter on')
while emoji_converter_on:
import emoji
message = input("message> ")
if message != "help":
if message != "quit":
if message == "help":
print(f"""This is a simple emoji converter developed by Henrik Skaaning.
Type a text in the command line with an emoji to return the text and emoji.
Type "help" in the command line to return the help-menu.
Type "quit" in the command line to quit the application. """)
if message == "quit":
emoji_converter_on = False
print(f'Emoji converter shutting off')
if selection == "2":
calculator_on = True
print(f'Square calculator on')
while calculator_on:
def square(number):
return int(number) * int(number)
number = input("commandline> ")
if number == "quit":
program_on = False
calculator_on = False
if number != "quit":
if number != "help":
if number.isnumeric() != True:
print(f"Sorry! That isnt a command i understand")
if number == "help":
print(f"""This is a simple square calculator developed by Henrik Skaaning.
Type a number in the command line to return the square of that number
Type "help" in the command line to return the help-menu.
Type "quit" in the command line to quit the application. """)
if number.isnumeric():
result = square(number)
print(f' The result is {result}')
if program_on == False:
print(f'Program shut down')
Now that you know you need a symbol instead of strings like ":)" and ":(", can you fix it yourself?
Hint: use string substitution instead of a dict
. Convert all ":)"
strings to ":smiling_face:"
, and ":("
strings to ":frowning_face:"
, like:
message.replace(":)", ":smiling_face:").replace(":(", ":frowning_face:")
The corrected program should be noticeably shorter.