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Retrieving table name from snowflake information_schema using dbt

I have created a macro to returns a table name from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA in Snowflake.

I have tables in snowflake as follows

|  TABLES  |
|   ~one   |
|   ~two   |
|  ~three  |

I want to pass the table type i.e. one into the macro and get the actual table name i.e. ~one

Here is my macro(get_table.sql) in DBT that takes in parameter and returns the table name

{%- macro get_table(table_type) -%}
    {%- set table_result -%}
        select distinct TABLE_NAME from "DEMO_DB"."INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."TABLES" where TABLE_NAME like '\~%{{table_type}}%'
    {%- endset -%}
    {%- set table_name = run_query(table_result).columns[0].values() -%}
  {{ return(table_name) }}
{%- endmacro -%}

Here is my DBT Model that calls the above macro

{{ config(materialized='table',full_refresh=true) }}

select * from {{get_table("one")}}

But I am getting an error:

Compilation Error in model

'None' has no attribute 'table'

> in macro get_table (macros\get_table.sql)

I don't understand where the error is


  • You need to use the execute context variable to prevent this error, as it is described here:

    You also be careful about your query, that the table names are uppercase. So you better use "ilike" instead of "like".

    Another important point is, "run_query(table_result).columns[0].values()" returns an array, so I added index to the end.

    So here's the modified version of your module, which I successfully run it on my test environment:

    {% macro get_table(table_name) %}
        {% set table_query %}
            select distinct TABLE_NAME from "DEMO_DB"."INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."TABLES" where TABLE_NAME ilike '%{{ table_name }}%'
        {% endset %}
        {% if execute %}
            {%- set result = run_query(table_query).columns[0].values()[0] -%}
            {{return( result )}}
        {% else %}
            {{return( false ) }}
        {% endif %}
    {% endmacro %}